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Codableのinit(from:)をどう書くか / 20170621 #wwdc_ebisu

June 21, 2017

Codableのinit(from:)をどう書くか / 20170621 #wwdc_ebisu

WWDC After Party 2017 @Ebisu - connpass

# 参考資料

What's New in Foundation - WWDC 2017 - Videos - Apple Developer

Search · Codable repo:apple/swift path:stdlib


June 21, 2017

More Decks by takasek

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Codable͸ϞςϞς ֤ॴWWDCৼΓฦΓձͰ౓ʑϐοΫΞοϓத 6/14 AKIBA.swift / by fromkkɹ6/15 eureka Meetup /

    by Muukiiɹ6/19 CA.swift / by inamiy !ͬ͘͟Γ֓ཁ௫ΊΔࢿྉɹɹ!DecodingErrorʹ͍ͭͯৄ͍͠ɹɹ!I/FɺίϯύΠϥڍಈʹ͍ͭͯ 6
  2. 7

  3. 8

  4. 9

  5. Codable Philosophy 4 Error handling built-in 4 ૊Έࠐ·ΕͨΤϥʔ੍ޚ 4 Encapsulate

    encoding details 4 ΤϯίʔσΟϯάͷৄࡉΛΧϓηϧԽ 4 Abstract format from type 4 ந৅Խ͞ΕͨϑΥʔϚοτ 11
  6. Codable Philosophy 4 Error handling built-in 4 ૊Έࠐ·ΕͨΤϥʔ੍ޚ 4 Encapsulate

    encoding details 4 ΤϯίʔσΟϯάͷৄࡉΛΧϓηϧԽ 4 Abstract format from type 4 ந৅Խ͞ΕͨϑΥʔϚοτ 12
  7. 4 (En|De)codable 4 CoderͱContainerΛ࢖͏͕ɺ ͦͷৄࡉ͸஌Βͳ͍ϐϡΞͳܕ 4 (En|De)coder 4 ࣗ෼ͷ۩ମܕʹ͍ͭͯCodable ʹ͸஌Βͤͳ͍

    4 Codableͷ఩ֶʮந৅Խ͞Εͨ ϑΥʔϚοτʯͷମݱऀ 4 (Keyed|Unkeyed|SingleValue) (En|De)codableContainer 4 σʔλΛอ࣋͠ɺϓϩύςΟͷ ม׵ํ๏Λఏڙ͢Δ 4 Codableͷ఩ֶʮΤϯίʔσΟ ϯάͷৄࡉΛΧϓηϧԽʯͷମ ݱऀ 14
  8. struct Hoge: Decodable { struct Fuga: Codable { let id:

    Int } let fuga: Fuga } ͋ΔJSONσʔλΛ struct Hoge ! ( Obejct Hoge -> Object Fuga -> Int id ) ΁ͱdecode͢Δࡍͷɺ ɾinputͱͯ͠ظ଴͞ΕΔJSON ɾinitͷίʔυ Λ͓ݟͤ͠·͢ɻ 20
  9. { "fuga": { "id": 1 } } !KeyedDecodingContainer Ͱdecode͢Δ init(from

    decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder .container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) fuga = try container.decode(Fuga.self, forKey: .fuga) } 22
  10. [ { "id": 1 } ] !UnkeyedDecodingContainer Ͱdecode͢Δ init(from decoder:

    Decoder) throws { var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer() fuga = try container.decode(Fuga.self) } UnkeyedDecodingContainer ͸ [1,2] ! CGPoint(x: 1, y: 2) ͳͲʹ΋࢖ΘΕΔ 24
  11. { "fuga": 1 } !SingleDecodingContainer Ͱdecode͢Δ init(from decoder: Decoder) throws

    { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) fuga = try container.decode(Fuga.self, forKey: .fuga) } // !͸ KeyedDecodingContainer ͱಉ͡Ͱɺ // "͕ͬͪ͜มΘΔ struct Fuga: Codable { let id: Int init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer() id = try container.decode(Int.self) } } 26
  12. { "hoge": { "fuga": { "id": 1 } } }

    !Nested Container (ࠓճ͸Keyed) Ͱdecode͢Δ ※ྫͱͯ͠ॻ͍͍ͯΔ͚ΕͲɺHogeͷσίʔυͷͨΊʹ౉͢JSON͕͜ͷߏ଄ͳͷ͸ྑ͘ͳ͍ͱࢥ͏ private enum HogeCodingKey: CodingKey { case hoge } init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder .container(keyedBy: HogeCodingKey.self) .nestedContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self, forKey: .hoge) fuga = try container.decode(Fuga.self, forKey: .fuga) } 28
  13. ͨͱ͑͹ URL ͷιʔε https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/c5ff1f2cac8da6a14330f4b033b94c7c926d2126/ stdlib/public/SDK/Foundation/URL.swift#L1210-L1236 extension URL : Codable {

    private enum CodingKeys : Int, CodingKey { case base case relative } public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) let relative = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .relative) let base = try container.decodeIfPresent(URL.self, forKey: .base) guard let url = URL(string: relative, relativeTo: base) else { throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Invalid URL string.")) } self = url } public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(self.relativeString, forKey: .relative) if let base = self.baseURL { try container.encode(base, forKey: .base) } } } 31
  14. Codable Philosophy 4 Error handling built-in 4 ૊Έࠐ·ΕͨΤϥʔ੍ޚ 4 Encapsulate

    encoding details 4 ΤϯίʔσΟϯάͷৄࡉΛΧϓηϧԽ 4 Abstract format from type 4 ந৅Խ͞ΕͨϑΥʔϚοτ 33
  15. σίʔυͷϑΣʔζ 1. σίʔυ 1. όΠτσʔλ 2. ߏ଄Λ࣋ͭόΠτσʔλ (JSON౳) 3. ܕ෇͚͞Εͨσʔλ(Swift

    ͷܕ) 2. όϦσʔγϣϯ 1. Domain-specific validation 2. Graph-level validation 35
  16. 36