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The Missing Pieces of Amazon ECS (for me)

The Missing Pieces of Amazon ECS (for me)

Takumi Sakamoto

September 21, 2016

More Decks by Takumi Sakamoto

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  1. What is SmartNews? • News Discovery App for Mobile •

    Algorithm-driven article selection • 18M+ Downloads in World Wide https://www.smartnews.com/en/
  2. Amazon ECS in SmartNews • Running dozens of production services

    • origin server for CDN • internal API • web crawler • Provides internal deployment tool for developers • heroku-style CLI tool • service discovery with Consul • monitoring with Datadog • logging with Fluentd logging driver
  3. Deploy w/Heroku-style CLI Amazon ECR $ spaas images:init --repository myapp

    $ docker build -t NAMESPACE/myapp:0.0.1 . $ docker push NAMESPACE/myapp:0.0.1 Amazon ECS $ spaas create --service myapp --image NAMESPACE/myapp --tag 0.0.1 $ spaas deploy --service myapp 0.0.2 $ spaas rollback --service myapp $ spaas ps:scale --service myapp 2 $ spaas ps:scale:cpu --service myapp 1024 $ spaas ps:scale:memory --service myapp 2048 $ spaas ps:role --service myapp MYAPP_IAM_ROLE $ spaas config:set SERVICE_TAGS=web
  4. 1. Run a task on every instance • Similar to

    DaemonSet in Kubernetes • run a ECS task on every container instances • define RestartPolicy for each task • Use case • run a logs collection daemon (fluentd) • run a monitoring daemon (dd-agent) • run a cluster storage daemon (glusterd)
  5. ECS Create Daemon API // Running dd-agent on every container

    instance in mycluster // Restart dd-agent on unexpected failure $ aws ecs create-daemon \ --cluster mycluster \ --daemon-name dd-agent \ --task-definition dd-agent:10 \ --restart-policy always
  6. Workaround • Start an ECS task with a user data

    script • the task will not be restarted when it dies • hard to deploy new version • other tasks will be deployed without required daemon • Writing an ECS scheduler • yes, we can. but I want managed one
  7. 2. Mark an instance unschedulable • Similar to kubectl cordon

    in Kubernetes • instance will be marked unschedulable • new tasks will not be scheduled in this mode • Use case • container instance replacement for security updates • shrink cluster size
  8. ECS Maintenance API // Mark instance as unschedulable $ aws

    ecs disable-container-instance \ --cluster mycluster \ --container-instance 04ad4550-f218-4d91-86f9-e8012b239261 // Wait until long running tasks finished // Do maintenance tasks or Terminate instance // Mark instance as schedulable $ aws ecs enable-container-instance \ --cluster mycluster \ --container-instance 04ad4550-f218-4d91-86f9-e8012b239261
  9. Workaround • Terminate hook in AutoScaling • new tasks will

    be assigned while waiting current running tasks finished • SpotFleet doesn't support terminate hook
  10. Summaries • The missing pieces for me • run a

    task on every container instance • mark an instance unschedulable • Hope these feature will be released soon