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"Worlds of Hell" Storyboard Pages

"Worlds of Hell" Storyboard Pages

A few weeks ago I created a storyboard from a script I wrote to test myself. It's been put into Toon Boom Storyboard!
Not all the action notes are there but the dialogue and timing are. I hope the action is readable through the panels, though. Enjoy :)

Vaughn Whittle

January 26, 2024


  1. Cut Dur. 1 1 08:06 Dialog What I came for

    has ended, I have to wait hours to go anywhere else. 1 2 1 3 4 1 08:15 Dialog It's night, and I need to find somewhere to stay, Or stay outside and further scar myself. 4 2 worldsofhell Page 1/10
  2. Cut Dur. 4 3 7 1 20:00 Dialog I've found

    the place! Luckily, I have enough money for food, but will they ask questions, or leave me alone... 7 2 Dialog Ahh, sleep... 7 3 9 1 13:22 Dialog D. Obviously, a form of hell. E. Yea, obviously. I wouldn't wanna be there. Asking people for help who can't or wont help you, even your friends. and you question if they really care for you... Action Notes the sequence is revealed to be a screen, above worldsofhell Page 2/10
  3. Cut Dur. which are D., and his Evaluee. 10 1

    06:16 Dialog D. We have two more worlds of hell to look for, Will you be stable? 10 2 Dialog E. Of course, no problem. 12 1 04:20 12 2 Action Notes their "screen" changes. worldsofhell Page 3/10
  4. Cut Dur. 14 1 05:10 Dialog I love my surroundings;

    15 1 05:16 Dialog The people I'm around are good, so I don't want to go anywhere else. 16 1 14:14 Dialog I'm happy in this state, This is all I want. My needs are met... I'll go to sleep. 17 1 14:06 Dialog D. Do you see what's happening here? E. Yea. He doesn't know it yet but his character's eroding. Soon he'll just be a baby if he doesn't have anything to work towards. D. Satisfactory. Number Three: Action Notes back to the analysis: worldsofhell Page 4/10
  5. Cut Dur. 18 1 02:12 19 1 11:07 Dialog I

    have to prepare for the day. I have to be good, I have to be functional, so I'm sorry... 20 1 19:05 20 2 20 3 worldsofhell Page 5/10
  6. Cut Dur. 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7

    20 8 Action Notes the screen goes black. worldsofhell Page 6/10
  7. Cut Dur. 26 1 04:20 Dialog E. Well, he's trying

    to get the energy to move... Action Notes we return to the viewers... 27 1 48:06 Dialog D. It is still hell. 27 2 27 3 Dialog E. But he's trying to bring energy to the rest of his life! 27 4 Dialog D. However, isn't this still a clear parable about destruction? ( ) You said you would be stable during this. E. Well what are you doing criticising me for stuff I did to be functional? D. These are only problems you could have addressed. worldsofhell Page 7/10
  8. Cut Dur. 27 5 Dialog E. How could I have

    addressed it? I did stuff that was self destructive so that I wouldn't be destructive in other ways! I couldn't look at the past! 27 6 Dialog ... It hurt too much, so I had to find a way to Block it out... ( ) 27 7 Dialog I couldn't... stop the drug when I no longer needed it, that's all... I didn't know life without it... when I couldn't stop... ( ) I wanted to focus, and relax, 27 8 Dialog (silent realisation) and avoid using it at other times... ( ) 35 1 04:13 Action Notes d. stops being as harsh (signified by his glowing light) worldsofhell Page 8/10
  9. Cut Dur. 36 1 08:08 Dialog D. At least you

    know the worlds of hell you experienced. 36 2 38 1 05:04 38 2 38 3 worldsofhell Page 9/10