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Getting started with GraphQL

Getting started with GraphQL

The 4th Weekly company-internal Agilize DevTalk of November, 2017.

Thiago Colares

November 24, 2017

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  1. Hallo! I’M THIAGO COLARES Agile manager Full stack developer Open

    source Co-founder @ Agilize Cloud Accounting @thicolares
  2. WHAT IS GRAPHQL ◦ Declarative data fetching ◦ Alternative to

    REST ◦ Single endpoint → responds to queries
  3. GraphQL TIMELINE ◦ Developed by Facebook on 2012 ◦ Presented

    → React.js Conf 2015 ◦ Is not for React Developers ◦ Other companies had the same initiative ◦ Netflix → Falcor ◦ Cousera → Now uses GraphQL
  4. REST CHALLENGES ◦ Need for efficient data loading (mobile) ◦

    Variety of different frontend frameworks ◦ Rapid feature development
  5. GraphQL BENEFITS ◦ No mover over or underfetching ◦ Almost

    non API if the interface changes ◦ Faster feedbacks cycles
  6. type Query { ... } type Mutation { ... }

    type Subscription { ... } ROOT TYPE
  7. { "data": { "User": { "name": "Joston Muriel", "posts": [

    {title: "Hello, it's me"} {title: "Lines in the sand"} ] } } } RESPONSE RESPONSE
  8. SCHEMA ◦ Strong type system ◦ Schema as client-server contract

    ◦ Client and server can work independently ◦ Schema Definition Language
  9. type Person { name: String! age: Int! } ADDING A

    RELATION type Post { title: String! author: Person! }
  10. type Person { name: String! age: Int! posts: [Post!]! }

    ADDING A HAS-MANY RELATION type Post { title: String! author: Person! }
  11. WRITING DATA WITH MUTATIONS ◦ A query too ◦ You

    can ask for the returning fields ◦ Even nested ones
  12. 3 KINDS OF MUTATIONS ◦ creating new data ◦ updating

    existing data ◦ deleting existing data
  13. A MUTATION mutation { createPerson(name: "Bob", age: 36) { name

    age } } Similar syntax. Mutation keyword. Special root field.