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Learning known

Learning known

Brief presentation explaining what a workshop about Installing Known (http://withknown.com) instances at Numa Paris would consist in.

See also http://www.meetup.com/OuiShareLabs/events/216203122/

Thierry Marianne

November 10, 2014

More Decks by Thierry Marianne

Other Decks in Education


  1. Thank you for coming @ Paris For Learning via (

    @kirilind | Auli Kütt) ( @thierrymarianne | Thierry Marianne) 1
  2. TL;DR Feeling at home (even on the web) e.g. http://kirilind.withknown.com

    or https://thierry.marianne.io Thanks to a rock-solid but flexible philosophy (indieweb / http://indiewebcamp.com FTW \o/) All your contents are belong to... you (See also: All_your_base_are_belong_to_us* ) You are better connected (POSE / Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere) You are in control (permanent link) ( @kirilind | Auli Kütt) ( @thierrymarianne | Thierry Marianne) 2
  3. 2006 :: First contact with microformats.org in semantic web classes

    2010 :: Death of a (random) social network (Twine) See also sites deaths at http://indiewebcamp.com/site-deaths 2012 :: Meetup with Tantek Çelik (@t) & Erin Jo Richey (@erinjo) 2014 :: Launch of Known Beta (@erinjo & Ben Werdmüller, @benwerd) (Little) bytes of history ( @kirilind | Auli Kütt) ( @thierrymarianne | Thierry Marianne) 3
  4. Let us set up our [Kn]own Instances Thanks to Charlotte,

    Numa, OuiShare, * ( @kirilind | Auli Kütt) ( @thierrymarianne | Thierry Marianne) 4