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The devs - The Forgotten of the Agility

April 25, 2019

The devs - The Forgotten of the Agility

In 2001, brilliant developers came together around an idea: we have to do our jobs differently that's why they have created the Agile Manifesto.
Since then, Agile frameworks and methods claiming to be heirs have proliferated.
Organisations have been created and have built flourishing businesses around Agility (don't need to name them)

Little by little, Agility has been diverted and no longer belongs to developers.
All you have to do is go to an Agile conference and ask the question of the number of developers in the assembly to prove it.

During this half hour together we will show you how much the developers have become forgotten about agility and we will give you keys to re-on-board them.


April 25, 2019


  1. An Agile Luxembourg meetup The Devs: the Forgotten of Agility

    by Adrien Muller & Yoan Thirion LOST IN AGILE Event storming : The Smartest Approach to Collaboration Beyond Silo Boundaries by Cédric Pontet
  2. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Yoan THIRION @yot88 Software craftsman at Agile

    Partner S.A., agile enthusiast, team player Adrien MULLER Agile Coach, Software Craftsman, Trainer and Security Officer at Agile Partner S.A
  3. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Kent Beck Software Engineer Mike Beedle Computer

    Scientist Arie Van Bennekum Project Manager Alistair Cockburn Computer Scientist Ward Cunningham Software Developer Martin Fowler Software Developer James Grenning Software Engineer Jim Highsmith Software Developer Andy Hunt Software Developer Ron Jeffries Software Developer Bob Martin Software Engineer Stephen J. Mellor Computer Scientist Jeff Sutherland Software Developer Ken Schwaber Software Developer Dave Thomas Computer Programmer Jon Kern Program Manager Brian Marick Computer Scientist
  4. Agile Meetup Luxembourg The Scrum Master The Scrum Master helps

    everyone change their interactions to maximize the value created by the Scrum Team.
  5. Agile Meetup Luxembourg The Product Owner The Product Owner is

    the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog.
  6. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Sprint Planning The plan is created by

    the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team.
  7. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Sprint Review The Development Team demonstrates the

    work that it has “Done” and answers questions about the Increment.
  8. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Sprint Retrospective The Scrum Team inspect itself

    and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.
  9. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Cross functional teams Include all competencies and

    domain knowledge without depending on others outside the team.
  10. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Developers do not find themselves in this

    version of the agility They all believe in the manifesto “It’s common sense” BUT No longer feel concerned “It’s for project managers, PMI” LOST IN AGILE
  11. Agile Meetup Luxembourg An answer in 2008 • Too much

    focus on the process o How to build it fast o How to build the right thing • Teams must care, not execute o We value execution but we value craftsmanship more • Technical excellence is CRUCIALLY important to deliver value “Craftsmanship over Execution” – Uncle Bob The 5th Agile value Reduce the gap between agile and the technical world
  12. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • We need to help them set

    up the necessary practices to support iterative and incremental development o Training o Coaching eXtreme Programming (XP) A lot of responses in XP
  13. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • Give more feedback to them o

    No digital transformation without Devs • They are not “code monkeys” o Learn new stuff every days o Push organizations to innovate Valorize their work (1/2)
  14. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • No more “Peter’s principles” o Every

    employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence • Create new H.R paths • No shame to be a developer • Agile needs to work on it Change the HR processes (2/2) Be proud to be a developer Success Promotion Success Promotion Failure
  15. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • Train them on true agile concepts

    o Agile != Scrum o A mindset o Continuous improvement o Self organization • Dark scrum o A framework that oppresses the team every day • Power to say NO o Challenge the implementation of Agility Empower them
  16. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • People imposing stuff to the teams

    o "if you're doing Extreme Programming the same way as you were doing it a year ago, you're no longer doing Extreme Programming" - Martin Fowler • Negative impact on team's health o A self organizer o First decision made by self-organized people : “it's not the right choice, you'll fail” • Beware the BAD apple o Put them away Avoid the agile dictators “There is no chief, if you need one it will be me”
  17. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • Not use only the coaching posture

    Expect pragmatism from agile coaches No more dogmatism / evangelism
  18. Agile Meetup Luxembourg • A lot of energy on :

    o New roles as Product Owners and Scrum Masters o Organization (Top management) • What about the devs? Invest on technical coaching https://agileforall.com/understanding-acis-agile-coach-competency- framework/
  19. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Craftsmanship @AP • We propose a dedicated

    approach o Craft coaching o Training o Craftsmen • Team bootstrap o Agile coaching o Craft coaching Break silos https://agilepartner.github.io/craft-challenges/
  20. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Be pragmatic • One size does not

    fit all o One framework is not the answer • The ‘what’ and ‘how’ should be suited to customer context and to a wider strategic vision. Be pragmatic
  21. Agile Meetup Luxembourg Yoan THIRION @yot88 Software craftsman at Agile

    Partner S.A., agile enthusiast, team player Adrien MULLER Agile Coach, Software Craftsman, Trainer and Security Officer at Agile Partner S.A THANK YOU !!!