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Pathway to full stack development.

Pathway to full stack development.

Full-Stack development is a complete bundle of requirements any industry would like to hire as It’s a huge hustle to find the right Full-stack development company for your project. We TechNex Harvestgrid are the best web development company at an affordable price. Connect with us now!


June 22, 2020

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  1. Full stack developer A pantomath who must be creative and

    logical enough to handle the three tier structure all together. A full stack developer
  2. Full stack developer Front end development includes: 1. Creative logic

    2. Knowledge of languages like ◦ HTML ◦ JAVASCRIPT • ◦ CSS.
  3. • Database functions include SQL MongoDB & knowledge of stack

    like MEAN and MERN stack will be needed for a database developer.
  4. • Combine implementation of these three layers together, is the

    responsibility of a full stack developer. A full stack developer must have Knowledge of all three layers and languages used for each layer.
  5. • • Responsible for the whole product development. • Working

    on the features of the product and fixing bugs Enhancing product performance. • Saving the developed codes for future use and developing such codes. • Collaborating with the team to optimize the existing system. • Website maintenance. Responsibilities of a full stack developer.
  6. ❖ Knowledge of GIThub. ❖ Good communication skills. ❖ Great

    time management. Extra perks for full stack developer