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SCI: Shave a Little Off the Wheel (2/3)

Tom Herpich
September 09, 2024

SCI: Shave a Little Off the Wheel (2/3)

Tom Herpich

September 09, 2024

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  1. Scene 49 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS peeks out from behind the small pot, as the chefs chop up fruit
  2. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *running/jumping grunts* Action Notes CS leaps over an apple core, landing in a sideways roll as a drip falls from the spatula
  3. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS dodges the drip, and runs up the measuring cups and salt canister as though they were a staircase
  4. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS starts carefully walking across the sugar box
  5. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    ut- Action Notes CS's weight is too much, so the flap of the box collapses and CS falls into the sugar
  6. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    A cloud of sugar puffs out after CS falls into the box
  7. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    *we can hear Cookiesmell shuffling around inside the box, looking for the exit* Action Notes Camera pans down after we hear CS scuffling around inside the box
  8. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS pushes out the spout, sending out small sugar clouds
  9. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *cough cough* Action Notes CS, with sugar in his eyes, climbs blindly out of the spout
  10. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS leaps down blindly, landing on a pat of butter
  11. Scene 50 Duration 20:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    wha- Action Notes The butter slides offscreen with Cookiesmell on it
  12. Scene 51 Duration 23:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Cookiesmell balances as the butter slides around under his foot
  13. Scene 51 Duration 23:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    SF steers CS around a pepper shaker, then an apple core, then a cream carton
  14. Scene 52 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    *HA HA HA HA HA* Action Notes SF laughs with glee, and his eyes widen with excitement
  15. Scene 53 Duration 14:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    whoaa-ohh-ohh-oh Action Notes Cookiesmell slides across the counter, leaving a trail of butter behind him as the butter pat he's riding wears away
  16. Scene 53 Duration 14:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    WHA! Action Notes The butter wears away completely, and CS's foot snags on the counter, sending him sprinting awkwardly/flailingly offscreen
  17. Scene 53 Duration 14:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    ah- ah- ah (speaks on each step as he runs offscreen)
  18. Scene 54 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    ooof! Action Notes CS falls on his face and slides
  19. Scene 56 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -but we've still got big problems, see?
  20. Scene 56 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS points to the cheese wheel in the distance
  21. Scene 57 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -the cheese is a thousand feet away on the other side of that canyon-
  22. Scene 57 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    huh? Action Notes CS looks offscreen
  23. Scene 58 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS ducks down to hide from the chef walking towards the door
  24. Scene 58 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    the chef reaches out for the handle and grabs it
  25. Scene 59 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    Cookiesmell! The doorknob! Action Notes SF points to something
  26. Scene 60 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS jumps onto the doorhandle as the chef begins to close the door
  27. Scene 61 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    yyynnnyygh.... SF: whaaaa Action Notes CS and SF hang on tight as the door closes
  28. Scene 62 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *jump sound* Action Notes CS leaps from the moving door
  29. Scene 62 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS looks up towards the distant cheese