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OpenShift 101

OpenShift 101

Tomáš Kukrál

April 19, 2016

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  1. 3rd party container caused a kernel panic Who the hell

    uses public containers from docker hub? For all you know they were made by Russian hackers! via youtube PivpCKEiQOQ
  2. same host: eth0 (in A’s netns) → vethA → br0

    → vethB → eth0 (in B’s netns) remote host: eth0 (in A’s netns) → vethA → br0 → vxlan0 → network [1] → vxlan0 → br0 → vethB → eth0 (in B’s netns) external host: eth0 (in A’s netns) → vethA → br0 → tun0 → (NAT) → eth0 (physical device) → Internet
  3. QA?

  4. BA