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Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum 2.0

Tran B. V. Son

March 15, 2019

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  1. Ethereum 2.0 What do you need to know ? Tran

    B. V. Son @ MoneyForward Financial
  2. Some ways to improve Scalability Increasing block size(BCH) Off-chain solutions

    (layer 2 solutions) Delegated consensus protocol (EOS) Sharding (Ethereum 2.0)
  3. Ethereum 1.0 vs Ethereum 2.0 Proof of work Proof of

    work Proof of stake Tx & Data Current chain Current chain Beacon chain Shard chain Note: 3 types of blockchain on Ethereum 2.0
  4. Beacon chain - PoS blockchain running in parallel with the

    current Ethereum blockchain. - Manage validators - Select block proposer - Select committee - Tracking and updating of validators’ deposits. - Manage shard chains “It is the conductor coordinating all the players”
  5. Beacon chain: Block proposers 1. PoW: the node that gets

    to choose the next block, the block’s miner is the first to solve the mining (cryptography) challenge. 2. PoS: there is no mining, so block proposers are chosen “randomly” by RANDAO.
  6. Beacon chain: Committees - Active validators (could be all active

    validators) - Vote on which blocks are valid - Beacon chain relies on counting votes (attestations) - Each shard will have a smaller sub-committee: Confirm the shard’s proposers are behaving correctly or not. - Are chosen “randomly” by RANDAO.
  7. Beacon chain: Rewards and Penalties - Beacon chain: Tracking and

    updating of validators’ deposits. - Rewards: Transaction fee - Penalties: If validators break the rules, they are penalised by having some of their 32 Ether deposit reduced - a validator’s deposit <16 ETH, the Beacon Chain will remove it from the validator set.
  8. Beacon chain: Crosslink - Crosslink tie the whole sharded system

    - Periodically, the current state of each shard gets recorded in a beacon chain (as crosslink)
  9. Beacon chain - No EVM on Beacon chain - No

    gas on Beacon chain - No miners
  10. 1. The teacher will aggregate the answers from five groups.

    2. Pass information to all groups. 3. All the participants get to know what each group was working on. Parallel handling task.
  11. Every machine that runs the Ethereum blockchain has to process

    the transactions in sequence. These transactions cannot be processed in parallel, despite being run on thousands of machines. So from a scalability perspective, the current Ethereum blockchain is a single pipe that all transactions have to be pushed through. Sharding is like adding X number of additional pipes to take more transactions.
  12. “The idea is to divide the blockchain’s state and transaction

    processing into shards, each of which is processed by a separate set of nodes. “
  13. Shard chain(s) - 1024 shard chains - Secure by 128

    validators - Managed by Beacon chain - PoS (same as Beacon chain)
  14. Shard chain(s) - The registered validators on beacon chain =>

    global pool of validators - If you break consensus of one shard, you have break the protocol for the whole lot. - Smart contract on one shard can talk to another smart contract of other shard. - Asynchronous Communication (fast)
  15. Shard chain(s) - Each shard is assigned a specific group

    of transactions - Transaction group: - Header: - Shard ID of transaction group - Assignment of validators - State root (state of merkle tree root) - Body: All of the transactions.
  16. eWASM - Ethereum smart contract are written in Solidity/Vyper, compiled

    down into EVM code and is executed by every Ethereum node. - EVM => become a performance bottleneck We need new VM
  17. eWASM - Based on WebAssembly (WASM) instruction-set - Be more

    secure (WASM is standard by W3C) - Support more languages (C, C++, Rust...) - Be portable (Run everywhere) - Benefit from WASM ecosystem’s tooling
  18. Keep in mind - No miners on Ethereum 2.0 -

    Anyone can become a validator ( > 32 ETH) - Many blockchains on Ethereum 2.0
  19. Reference 1. Ethereum 2.0 2. Ethereum 2.0 - Who’s building

    it ? 3. State of Ethereum Protocol #1 4. State of Ethereum Protocol #2: The beacon chain 5. Ethereum 2.0 Explained 6. The biggest problem with blockchain and how to solve it 7. What is Sharding ? 8. Ethereum Shard Chains Explained 9. How to scale Ethereum: Sharding Explained