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Varnish for Beginners

Varnish for Beginners

An introduction to Varnish the caching http accelerator. Showing some stats and a live demo of Varnish this presentation aims to bring unfamiliar users into the fold and to start using Varnish.


June 13, 2013

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  1. Varnish for Beginners Shielding Drupal from the internet http://adammalone.net |

    http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone By Adam Malone
  2. Varnish Installation (yum|apt-get|brew) install varnish CentOS installation requires varnish repo

    http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone
  3. Varnish Configuration http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80 \

    -u varnish -g varnish \ -T localhost:6082 \ -f /etc/varnish/adam.vcl \ -S /etc/varnish/secret \ -s malloc,256M" backend default { .host = ""; .port = "8234"; } sub vcl... /etc/varnish/default.vcl /etc/sysconfig/varnish
  4. VCL sub vcl_recv vcl_pipe vcl_fetch vcl_deliver vcl_error http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980

    | @adammalone return() pipe fetch restart deliver pass lookup error VCL docs Four Kitchens VCL request objs req besresp
  5. Checking Varnish works • Inspecting Headers • Watch the network

    tab • Check varnishlog (more later) • isvarnishworking.com http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone
  6. Breaking Varnish • Setting $_SESSION ◦ Authenticated users do not

    benefit ◦ Check {sessions} table • Cookies • Unique query paths • .htaccess http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone
  7. Comparison to other caches • Drupal cache tables • Boost

    • MongoDB • Memcache http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone
  8. Varnish Tools • varnishstat • varnishlog • varnishncsa • varnishhist

    http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone
  9. Extending Varnish • ESI • Varnish mods (vmods) • Don't

    be too greedy when caching • Don't deliver too promiscuously http://adammalone.net | http://drupal.org/user/1295980 | @adammalone Gotchas