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扒一扒 Drupal八 (Let's talk about web experience ma...

扒一扒 Drupal八 (Let's talk about web experience management with Drupal 8)

The latest and greatest release of Drupal is just around the corner and businesses are already using it to power their websites. But what changes does Drupal 8 bring to the table that make it different from all previous versions?

A lot of time has passed since Drupal 7 was released and Drupal 8 has fundamentally changed as a framework. Drupal isn't just a system to manage content anymore. Drupal has become a best in class framework that will allow you to interact with your users, market your products, and sell your services with ease.

In this session we'll be discussing:

- How Drupal 8 makes reliance on the features module a thing of the past
- The benefits of a truly multilingual system out of the box
- Modern RESTful web services and their place in core
- A migration framework that allows you to import from a Drupal 6 or 7 site
- The awakening of mobile first Drupal
- And more

最新的,同时也是目前为止最好的Drupal版本(Drupal 8)马上就要发布了。很多公司已经开始迫不及待地用Drupal 8来开发他们的网站。那么相比以前的Drupal版本,Drupal 8到底给我们带来了哪些改变呢?经过了长时间的在Drupal 7平台的探索,Drupal 8终于彻底演变成了一个完全的框架。

是的,Drupal不再是一个只能管理内容的系统了,它已经变成了一个集成了各种php类的框架,这样我们就可以轻松的利用它来与用户交互, 推广产品和网络服务。

在本主题中,我们将探讨Drupal 8的以下方面:

- 为什么我们不再需要features模块。
- Drupal 8 自带的多语言系统能给我们带来什么。
- 目前流行的RESTful web service的引入,和它在核心模块中的地位。
- 利用Migration框架来将我们的网站从Drupal 6和Drupal 7迁移到Drupal 8.
- 移动互联网优先设计的觉醒。
- 其他相关。


March 14, 2015

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  1. 扒⼀一扒 Drupal⼋八 Let's talk about web experience management with Drupal

    8 Adam Malone Technical Consultant (Asia Pacific) Acquia
  2. About me 关于我 →Professional Services @ Acquia →Drupal age: almost

    4 →typhonius most places online →Didn't realise typhonius was a species of toad
  3. About Acquia 关于 Acquia →Founded in 2007 →Products, Services, Training,

    Certification →>600 employees globally →>20 employees in APAC →We're hiring! Rest of World APAC Australia New Zealand Singapore
  4. Some questions ⼀一些问题 →Who's using Drupal currently →⺫⽬目前谁在⽤用drupal? →Who's heard

    of Drupal 8? →谁听说过drupal8 →Who's excited about Drupal 8? →谁为drupal8⽽而兴奋 →Who knows the key differences? →谁知道drupal8的最⼤大区别是什么
  5. Changes for: drupal8为了以下⽤用户⽽而改变了 →Users →普通⽤用户 →Site builders →建站者 →Designers &

    Themers →前端、设计师 →Developers & Sysadmins →开发⼈人员及系统管理员
  6. WYSIWYG out of the box wysiwyg ⼊入核啦 →CKEditor →EpicEditor →FCKeditor

    →jWYSIWYG →markItUp →nicEdit →openWYSIWYG →TinyMCE →Whizzywig →WYMeditor →YUI 2 →BUEditor →CKEditor
  7. Everything is an entity ⼀一切都是实体 Drupal 7 →node →comment →user

    →file →term Drupal 8 →content →node →user →file →term →feed →comment →menu links →... →config →image style →views →date formats →actions →tours →roles →...
  8. Everything is an entity ⼀一切都是实体 Drupal 7 $node->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']; ! Drupal

    8 $node->get('field_image')->value; $node->field_tags[$delta]->$target_id; $node->getTranslation("zh-hans")->title->value;
  9. Configuration management 配置管理系统 Drupal 7 →variable_get →variable_set →Features could export

    configuration →Mix code/db Drupal 8 → $config->get() → $config->set() → Exportable → YAML → Active in DB → Staging in FS
  10. Configuration management 配置管理系统 user.flood.yml user.mail.yml user.role.anonymous.yml user.role.authenticated.yml user.settings.yml $conf =

    \Drupal::config('user.flood'); uid_only: false ip_limit: 50 ip_window: 3600 user_limit: 5 user_window: 21600 $conf->get('user_limit'); 5 ! $conf->set('user_limit', 1); $conf->save();
  11. Twig →PHP is not a templating language →Database calls →External

    requests →Unsanitized strings →Let designers do what they do best →Design.
  12. Major Releases →8.X.y →New features →API changes →6 month release

    cycle Minor Releases →8.x.Y →Bug fixes →No API changes →Frequent releases Semantic versioning 语义版本控制