Takahashi, and Hono Shirai (2022). Semantic Shift Stability: Efficient Way to Detect Performance Degradation of Word Embeddings and Pre-trained Language Models. In Proceedings of AACL-IJCNLP 2022. [paper] [github] [poster, slide] • https://hack.nikkei.com/publications/
the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing • アジアでの ACL 系会議 (北米の NAACL、欧州の EACL に対応) • AACL としては 2020 年以来 2 度目 AACL-IJCNLP 2022 [aacl2022.org] [proceedings]
in Femicide News Reports [paper] [code] • Best Theme Paper Award: What's Different between Visual Question Answering for Machine "Understanding” Versus for Accessibility? [paper] • Best Paper Runner-up: Not another Negation Benchmark: The NaN-NLI Test Suite for Sub-clausal Negation [paper] 11 Best paper awards https://www.aacl2022.org/Blog/Best-paper-awards
Language Processing”) • 視覚的質問応答を題材に「理解」データセットで の大きな改善が、必ずしも「アクセシビリティ」 データセットでの改善につながらないと指摘 • 丁寧な分析・考察から、今後の方向性を提案 What's Different between Visual Question Answering for Machine "Understanding” Versus for Accessibility?
Semantic Shift Stability: Efficient Way to Detect Performance Degradation of Word Embeddings and Pre-trained Language Models. In Proceedings of AACL-IJCNLP 2022. [paper] [code] [poster, slide]