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Theory of Ionization Potentials and Electron Af...

Alex Ganose
March 31, 2017

Theory of Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities in Semiconductors

Presentation for the Scanlon Materials Theory Group meeting

Alex Ganose

March 31, 2017

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  1. E-mail: alex.ganose.10@ucl.ac.uk @alexganose Theory of Ionization Potentials and Electron Affinities

    in Semiconductors Alex M. Ganose & Department of Chemistry, University College London Diamond Light Source Ltd.
  2. Definitions (ii) IP: Energy required to remove an electron from

    the VBM to infinitely far away (vacuum) EA: Energy required to move an electron from infinitely far away to the CBM
  3. Definitions (ii) IP: Energy required to remove an electron from

    the VBM to infinitely far away (vacuum) EA: Energy required to move an electron from infinitely far away to the CBM Workfunction: Energy required to move an electron from the Fermi level to infinitely far away (sample dependent)
  4. Why do we care? • Carrier doping limits • Catalysis

    and photocatalysis • Band offsets between semiconductors determines electron transport
  5. Why do we care? – Example • Alignment between absorber,

    TCO and HTM controls maximum obtainable voltage. • Careful choice of contact materials essential.
  6. • What happens if I don’t set the VBM to

    0 eV? • In planewave DFT, eigenvalues defined w.r.t the background electrostatic potential • Eigenvalues are not absolute energies WTF – just use the eigenvalues? 7
  7. Bulk band alignments (i) • Can easily plot electrostatic potential

    (MacroDensity) • But need somewhere to call the vacuum level https://github.com/WMD-group/MacroDensity
  8. Bulk band alignments (ii) • Trick is to introduce a

    portion of vacuum into the cell by making a slab (non-polar) • 20 Å slab & 20 Å vacuum; no cell relaxation
  9. Bulk band alignments (iii) • Easy to calculate IP and

    EA by comparing to bulk eigenvalues and core states:
  10. Bulk band alignments (iii) • Easy to calculate IP and

    EA by comparing to bulk eigenvalues and core states:
  11. Example: BiSI and BiSeI • Potential solar absorbers; devices show

    ~0.25 % PCE • Low Voc a result of poor band alignment A. Ganose, K. T. Butler, A. Walsh, and D. O. Scanlon, J. Mater. Chem. A (2016), 4, 2060–2068
  12. Limitations of bulk band alignments • In practice, IP and

    EA are determined by surface termination. • Spilling of charge leads to a surface dipole • Is unique for each surface
  13. Surface alignments • By letting the cell relax, the surface

    IP can be calculated in a similar way as before • Recent paper suggests using the macroscopic average • Should fully include surface dependency Y. Kumagai, K. T. Butler, A. Walsh, and F. Oba, PRB (2017), 95, 125309
  14. Conclusion 16 • IP and EA determine fundamental device properties

    • Bulk band alignment easy to calculate; surface alignment more expensive Note: Experimentally available via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or Kelvin probe microscopy Warning: results are only as good as your DFT Functional
  15. Acknowledgements 17 People: – Dr. David Scanlon – Christopher Savory

    – Dr. Keith Butler Funding: – M3S, UCL – EPSRC – Diamond Light Source Ltd. Computing resources: – MCC for access to ARCHER