i.e. even if we know the degradation function we cannot recover the original image because Noise N is the random function whose Fourier X’form is not known. As H(u,v) = tends to zero / very small then F^(u,v) can be easily determine.
of Inverse Filter: Makes no provision for handling noise In this approach – that incorporates both the degradation function & also statistical property of the noise into restoration process. Method is to find f^ of original image f such that mean square error between them is minimized. This error measure is, where E is expected value of the argument
Winer filter The term in the bracket is referred as, Minimum means square error filter or Least square error filter Winer filter is not having problem like inverse filter in degradation function, unless H(u,v) & Sn (u,v) both are zero for the same value of the u & v.
white/complex noise then |N(u,v)|2 is constant. As the power transform of the undegraded image seldom is know so one approach is used, where K is constant.
better than the inverse filter in presence of noise because a weiner filter uses the prior knowledge of the noise field. The transfer function of weiner filter is chosen to minimize the mean square error using statistical information on both image & noise fields.” - [Digital Image Processing By Subramania Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T. Veerakumar]