iff H(n) = O(1) (i.e., H has an upper bound) Proof Continued : (H(n) = O(1)) =⇒ (SATH ∈ P) If H(n)=O(1), then H can take only finitely many values. So, there exists an i such that H(n)=i for infinitely many values of n. This implies the TM Mi solves SATH in ini time. Otherwise, if there was an input x on which Mi fails to output SATH(x) within this time, then ∀ n> 2|x| we would have H(n) = i . Hence, TM Mi solves SATH in O(ni )(i.e, SATH∈ P). Moreover, if SATH / ∈ P then H(n) tends to infinity with n. Sai Krishna, Vipul Harsh Ladner’s Theorem September 3, 2014 8 / 16