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Collabora Online & ownCloud

Miklos V
September 27, 2021

Collabora Online & ownCloud

ownCloud Conference 2021, Virtual

Video record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7rHbPeolvQ

Miklos V

September 27, 2021


  1. Collabora Online & ownCloud 2 About Collabora Productivity “We drive

    LibreOffice Technology to the enterprise, education and administrations. We are the driving force behind putting it in the cloud as Collabora Online, and are part of a global consultancy, specializing in delivering the benefits of Open Source software to the commercial world.”
  2. 3 Collabora Online & ownCloud Collabora Online 2020/2021 Usability /

    User Interface File support & Interoperability Performance Features: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Various Mobile Devices Integration ownCloud, improvements to the integration
  3. Collabora Online & ownCloud 11 Export spreadsheets to CSV in

    Calc Thanks to Rizal Muttaqin for the icon design
  4. Collabora Online & ownCloud 12 PPTX interop. improvements in Impress

    Headers / footers and various fields round-tripping nicely (for CERN)
  5. Collabora Online & ownCloud 14 Shape text interoperability wins multi-column

    text layout in impress bottom-to-top, left-to-right
  6. Collabora Online & ownCloud 22 Control of anchoring and text

    flow Accurately position anchor-points for images and objects to control layout & reflow
  7. Collabora Online & ownCloud 24 Freeze panes Freeze columns or

    rows to navigate more easily through large spreadsheets
  8. Collabora Online & ownCloud 29 Statistical tools for data analysis

    Sampling Descriptive Statistics Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Correlation Covariance Exponential Smoothing Moving Average Regression Paired t-test F-test Z-test Chi-square Test
  9. Collabora Online & ownCloud 34 Improved Presentation viewing Continuous scroll

    through of slides in a single large scrollable pane
  10. Collabora Online & ownCloud 36 New module: Draw Flowcharts, technical

    drawings, posters or brochures… create vector graphic drawings online!
  11. Collabora Online & ownCloud 40 PDF Search and Annotation 97%

    Online commits By aff i liation (last year) Collabora 5 | 15 | 21 | 28 | Others CIB 1&1 Volunteers Collaboration on PDF files
  12. Collabora Online & ownCloud 41 VBA / StarBasic Macros Online

    Disabled by default, administrators can enable, and set a security level
  13. Collabora Online & ownCloud 43 Design language / theming bits

    ... https://www.collaboraoffice.com/collabora-online-styleguide/styleguide.html
  14. Collabora Online & ownCloud 46 Mobile phone & tablets updates

    • Page set-up panel • Tabstops handling on ruler • Word Count dialog menu • Table dialog from menu on tablet Collabora Office for Android & iOS
  15. Collabora Online & ownCloud 47 • New NotebookBar on tablets

    • CJK font support • Dark mode (starting) • Opening password protected documents • Pivot tables (on tablets) • Faster document handling Mobile phone & tablets updates .. 2 Collabora Office for Android & iOS
  16. Collabora Online & ownCloud 48 ChromeBook support Check out our

    blog for more information Collabora Office providing … the best tool for the Education sector • User control of documents on Chrome OS • Rich office productivity tool • Users choice of storage • Regain control over files and privacy • Privacy Shield / digital sovereignty • Education: affordable PCs, and protect privacy from students • No need to use Microsoft or Google anymore