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Doing it angled - Musings with AngularJS

Doing it angled - Musings with AngularJS

This talk gives you a brief intro into the world of AngularJS first before I walk you through the core concepts of Angular's digest loop which makes up for most of Angular's charme.

Thorben Schröder

January 17, 2013

More Decks by Thorben Schröder

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  1. MVC

  2. <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div class="controls"> <textarea id="messageInput" ng-model="message"> </textarea>

    </div> … </form> <div ng-controller="aesCtrl"> <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div> <textarea ng-model="message"> </textarea> </div> … </form> … </div>
  3. <div ng-controller="aesCtrl"> <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div> <textarea ng-model="message"> function

    aesCtrl($scope) { $scope.message = 'some msg'; $scope.encrypt = function () { $scope.message = enc($scope.message); } } aesCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
  4. <div ng-controller="aesCtrl"> <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div> <textarea ng-model="message"> 1

    function aesCtrl($scope) { $scope.message = 'some msg'; $scope.encrypt = function () { $scope.message = enc($scope.message); } } aesCtrl.$inject = ['$scope']; 1
  5. function aesCtrl($scope) { $scope.message = 'some msg'; $scope.encrypt = function

    () { $scope.message = enc($scope.message); } } aesCtrl.$inject = ['$scope']; <div ng-controller="aesCtrl"> <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div> <textarea ng-model="message"> 2 2
  6. function aesCtrl($scope) { $scope.message = 'some msg'; $scope.encrypt = function

    () { $scope.message = enc($scope.message); } } aesCtrl.$inject = ['$scope']; <div ng-controller="aesCtrl"> <form ng-submit="encrypt()"> <h2>Plain Text</h2> <div> <textarea ng-model="message"> 3 3