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Hungary Unit

Hungary Unit

Susie Davies-Splitter

June 01, 2022


  1. Contents Zime Zum - Full Score - Recorder Parts -

    Class Arrangement - Activities Traditional Dress Mindful Colouring - Hungarian Games - Instrument Research Project - About the Hurdy Gurdy - Count to 10 in Hungarian - Make Your Own Hungarian Flag - A Little Something Extra.- Lesson Plan Ideas - Hungary Szervusz Pg. 1 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 - 4 Pg. 5 - 6 Pg. 7 - 8 Pg. 9 - 10 Pg. 11 - 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 All music is accompanied by instructional videos
  2. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg.1 Click below to hear all the parts together! https://youtu.be/cNiYMy231NQ
  3. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg.2 Recorder Melody Recorder Harmony Translation of Zime Zum Over by the flowers, the light is glowing They are cooking fried frogs. Chorus Limping Shari grabbed at it But all she got was an ear. Chorus Learn to sing the chorus: https://youtu.be/FH0h4c6yIQo https://youtu.be/WknjrATrjOY https://youtu.be/ca4pqWh8Y3M
  4. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg.3 https://youtu.be/iJLExbvHx7Y Alto Xylophone https://youtu.be/eo_5E_HLfWg https://youtu.be/gLpXXs7NVnk
  5. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg. 4 https://youtu.be/b7xhcAk468w https://youtu.be/KfS0HuDCl9A
  6. Golyozni - version 2 This game is played with marbles.

    Players would try to flick their marbles into a hole (a type of ultra-mini golf). You could create a complete artificial ultra-mini golf course as an art project for this game to be played on (ie using papier-mâché). Hungarian Games Golyozni - version 1 (Pronunciation - "O" as in "or"; "ly" has the same sound as our "y" as in yes). This game was played with walnuts in the shell. One player stacks his nuts in a pyramid. The opponent stands a few steps away and tries to knock down as many walnuts as he can with his own walnut, in one hit. However many walnuts he manages to knock down, he may keep. Then the players swap jobs. (After the game is over, you can all be like the Hungarians and enjoy a feast of walnuts!) Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg. 7 Introduction to games by Vera Klein Mum and I playing the Walnut Game https://youtu.be/pP2CzbES1j8 https://youtu.be/nhEy5gOfD_4
  7. Hopscotch This is exactly the same as the hopscotch we

    all played as children. On the ground, draw a set of numbered squares as shown here. The first player must hop into each single square without stepping on a line or without putting the other foot down, except in squares 4 and 5 and 7 and 8 in which you must land on both feet. When the player gets to the end of the course, they jump, twist around to face the start and return to the starting point. If the player reaches the start again successfully, they throw 1 stone onto square number 1 and go through the same again but without jumping in that square. On their way back, they must stop in square number 2, pick up the stone from square number 1 and jump past square number 1 to start the game again. The next time, they must throw 2 stones - 1 into square number 1, and one into square number 2. Now they must start the game by jumping straight into square number 3. On each return to the start, another stone is thrown onto the playing field until the player falls, lands on a line or puts a foot down when they shouldn't. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg. 8 Coin rubbing A favourite passtime of my mother and her younger siblings was to make rubbings of various coins. For this you need a coin with a raised design on it, some tracing paper or thin white paper and a pencil. Place the paper over the coin and rub vigorously but carefully over the surface of the whole coin. Remove the paper and it will have an imprint of the design of the coin on it. Children can then cut them out and paste them into a scrapbook to make a collection of coins from around the world.
  8. Activity: Instruments commonly used for Hungarian folk music: Here are

    the most commonly used instruments for playing Hungarian folk music. Can you find other countries that use something similar? Gardon Cimbalom Violin Country Name of Instrument Country Name of Instrument Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg.9 Other countries that use similar instruments Country Name of Instrument
  9. Double Bass Duda (bagpipe) Jaw harp Zither Hurdy Gurdy Country

    Name of Instrument Country Name of Instrument Country Name of Instrument Country Name of Instrument Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg.10 Country Name of Instrument
  10. Hurdy Gurdy Where does the hurdy gurdy come from? The

    hurdy-gurdy was first mentioned in the 10th century as the organistrum. It was then a church instrument played by two men, one fingering the keys, one turning the wheel. Secular, one-man forms, called symphonia, appeared in the 13th century. The Medieval Hurdy Gurdy was one of the most popular medieval musical instruments in Europe. Just like various other medieval musical instruments, it was inspired in part from the East and was introduced in Europe during the 11th century. It was similar in outlook with violin but with the extra feature of a keyboard. The hurdy-gurdy is generally thought to have originated from fiddles in either Europe or the Middle East (e.g., the rebab) some time before the eleventh century A.D. The first recorded reference to fiddles in Europe was in the 9th century by the Persian geographer Ibn Khurradadhbih The story I was told was that the hurdy gurdy was a courtly instrument played in the courts of King Louis (don’t remember which Louis). When there was a revolution in France, because people were starving, the life of anyone associated with the court was in danger. So musicians packed up their instruments and fled the country. Hence the hurdy gurdy travelled through Europe and was modified over time. Daily life in French history: a hurdy-gurdy player / street musician in 18th century Paris, France. Photo credit www.alamy.com Besancon 1708 - 1785 Lyon Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg. 11
  11. Most people have never heard of the hurdy gurdy, but

    those who have often confuse it with the barrel organ. Both instruments are powered by a crank, but you can play any tune you desire on the Hurdy Gurdy because a wheel rotates against tuned strings. You can only play pre programmed tunes on the Barrel Organ. The internal barrel has been encoded with pins and staples to produce short and long notes. The only way the barrel can play a different set of tunes is to replace the barrel with another one, just like a player piano. The Hurdy Gurdy The Barrel organ Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg. 12
  12. 1 = EGY 2 = KETTO 3 = HAROM 4

    = NEGY 5 = OT 6 = HAT 7 = HET 8 = NYOLC 9 = KILENC 10 = TIZ .. .. , , , Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg. 13 Watch the video for pronunciation https://youtu.be/E76MupzImBc ,
  13. The Hungarian flag has had many changes over the years,

    but has always kept its pattern of the 3 stripes of red, white and green. This has been the official flag since 1957. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun pg.14 The Hungarian Coat of Arms
  14. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg.15 This is a working model of a Hurdy Gurdy I started building during lockdown in Melbourne, Australia, in 2021. Below, you will see the real thing! Meet the Hungarian Hurdy Gurdy https://youtu.be/QQaVU-sorMw
  15. Hungary - Unlock a Whole World of Music and Fun

    pg.16 Hungarian Folk Song - Zime Zum Step 1: Let the class listen to the song while keeping the beat on their body. Perform the main part of the song on one body part and the "Zime Zum" section on a different body part. Change the body part you use in the first part of the song each time through the music, but keep the "Zime ZUm" part the same each time. Repeat until the structure of the piece is clear. Step 2: Learn to sing the chorus - ie the Zime Zum line. You can refer to the instructional video to help with this. Step 3: Learn the melodic percussion parts first, one at a time. I suggest you start with the bass xylophone part. Please refer to the instructional videos in the early pages of this package. These can be of help to you personally, but also can be used in the classroom, as a teaching aid. Children should learn the pattern on their knees first and then a select few can play it on an instrument. Gradually build up as many of the parts as you want to use, in the same way. You do not have to play all of the parts - they are a suggestion only. However, I do recommend that, as you add a new part, have the children sing as well as play. Step 4: Learn to play the melody. You can use the relevant recorder instructional video, as a teaching tool in the classroom, if you like. This can also be played on any other concert instruments - piano, violin, flute, etc - if students are keen to do so. This could be a unique performance piece for Harmony Day or other World cultural celebration days in your school as can the other pieces of music in the rest of the "Unlock" series, or those in other parts of this website - especially those contained in the Tasty Morsels section.