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Links between disk structure and AGN demographi...

Links between disk structure and AGN demographics from visual galaxy morphology

Conference talk given at "Unveiling the AGN-Galaxy Evolution Connection", 12 Mar 2015 in Puerto Varas, Chile.

Kyle Willett

March 12, 2015

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  1. @kwwillett Links between disk structure and AGN demographics from visual

    galaxy morphology Kyle Willett University of Minnesota
  2. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Bar-driven dynamics can efficiently

    fuel a galactic nucleus ✤ major mergers do not trigger most AGN activity (aside from the most luminous and rapidly accreting black holes; Treister+12)! ✤ secular evolution may be responsible for AGN triggering via disk instabilities! ✤ strong bars are one of the dominant methods for angular momentum exchange in the disk ! ✤ supported by:! ✤ theory! ✤ simulations (high resolution)! ✤ observations (nearby galaxies, small N) Emsellem+14
  3. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota How to identify AGN

    hosts and barred galaxies ✤ observational studies vary in:! ✤ sample size! ✤ bar classification method! ✤ AGN identification method 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 log ([OI] 6300/H↵) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 (c) 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.4 log ([SII] 6716, 6730/H↵) (b) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 log ([NII] 6583/H↵) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 log ([OIII] 5006/H ) Ke01 Ka03 S07 (a)
  4. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota How to identify AGN

    hosts and barred galaxies 0.73 0.72 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Barred Seyferts Barred Controls Double- barred Seyferts Double- barred Controls Fraction of Galaxies Mulchaey & Regan (1997) Laurikainen et al. (2004) ✤ observational studies vary in:! ✤ sample size! ✤ bar classification method! ✤ AGN identification method ✤ Mixed results:! ✤ bar-driven fueling (Knapen+00, Laine+02, Laurikainen+04, Hao+09, Oh+12, Alonso+13)! ✤ no bar-driven fueling (Ho+97, Mulchaey+97, Hunt+99, Martini+03, Lee+12, Cisternas+13)
  5. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota How to identify AGN

    hosts and barred galaxies 0.73 0.72 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Barred Seyferts Barred Controls Double- barred Seyferts Double- barred Controls Fraction of Galaxies Mulchaey & Regan (1997) Laurikainen et al. (2004) ✤ observational studies vary in:! ✤ sample size! ✤ bar classification method! ✤ AGN identification method ✤ Mixed results:! ✤ bar-driven fueling (Knapen+00, Laine+02, Laurikainen+04, Hao+09, Oh+12, Alonso+13)! ✤ no bar-driven fueling (Ho+97, Mulchaey+97, Hunt+99, Martini+03, Lee+12, Cisternas+13)
  6. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota How to identify AGN

    hosts and barred galaxies 0.73 0.72 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Barred Seyferts Barred Controls Double- barred Seyferts Double- barred Controls Fraction of Galaxies Mulchaey & Regan (1997) Laurikainen et al. (2004) ✤ observational studies vary in:! ✤ sample size! ✤ bar classification method! ✤ AGN identification method ✤ Mixed results:! ✤ bar-driven fueling (Knapen+00, Laine+02, Laurikainen+04, Hao+09, Oh+12, Alonso+13)! ✤ no bar-driven fueling (Ho+97, Mulchaey+97, Hunt+99, Martini+03, Lee+12, Cisternas+13)
  7. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Measuring galaxy morphologies ✤

    Galaxy Zoo: ! ✤ visual classification of ~1 million SDSS galaxies into elliptical, spiral, mergers! ✤ Galaxy Zoo 2:! ✤ 300,000 SDSS galaxies with detailed, Hubble tuning fork-type morphologies! ✤ Galaxy Zoo: Hubble! ✤ 150,000 galaxies out to z ~ 2 from AEGIS, GEMS, GOODS, COSMOS, and CANDELS! ✤ In progress:! ✤ UKIDSS, SDSS DR8 - DR12, fully simulated galaxies, etc… Catalogs: http://data.galaxyzoo.org KW+13
  8. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5

    11.0 11.5 Stellar Mass log(M/M ) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0(u r) colour 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 ...... ...... barred AGN fraction unbarred AGN fraction Bar-driven fueling for disk galaxies from Galaxy Zoo ✤ Selection:! ✤ 19,756 disk galaxies from SDSS at z < 0.05! ✤ barred morphologies from Galaxy Zoo 2! ✤ AGN identification from optical line ratios! ✤ relationship between bar fraction and AGN dominated by existing mass/color correlations! ✤ up to 16% of barred AGN in the local Universe may be triggered by presence of a bar Galloway, KW+15 occurrence of AGN
  9. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota AGN and barred galaxies

    in the high-redshift Universe ✤ At higher redshift, the number density of AGN increases! ✤ Relative effect of secular evolution may change as the number of mergers increase! ✤ Observations:! ✤ matching bandpasses! ✤ AGN detection methods! ✤ sample sizes decrease Cheung+15
  10. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Further questions - what

    don’t we know? ✤ How can we leverage multi-wavelength observations to better measure disk/bulge morphology? Vika+13
  11. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Further questions - what

    don’t we know? ✤ How can we leverage multi-wavelength observations to better measure disk/bulge morphology? Vika+13 KW+15 ✤ What other (disk) structural parameters affect fueling and strength of the AGN?
  12. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Further questions - what

    don’t we know? ✤ How can we leverage multi-wavelength observations to better measure disk/bulge morphology? Vika+13 Cheung+15 NAGN,bar = 2 12 0 KW+15 ✤ Can we get enough galaxies at z > 0.2 to put a more robust limit on the bar effect? ✤ What other (disk) structural parameters affect fueling and strength of the AGN?
  13. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Further questions - what

    don’t we know? ✤ How can we leverage multi-wavelength observations to better measure disk/bulge morphology? Vika+13 Cheung+15 NAGN,bar = 2 12 0 Emsellem+14 KW+15 ✤ Can we get enough galaxies at z > 0.2 to put a more robust limit on the bar effect? ✤ What other (disk) structural parameters affect fueling and strength of the AGN? ✤ More simulations to probe the range of parameters over which a barred galaxy undergoes nuclear fueling
  14. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Further questions - what

    don’t we know? ✤ How can we leverage multi-wavelength observations to better measure disk/bulge morphology? Vika+13 Cheung+15 NAGN,bar = 2 12 0 Emsellem+14 torque Combes+14 KW+15 ✤ Observations: directly measuring gas inflow in larger samples of disk galaxies ✤ Can we get enough galaxies at z > 0.2 to put a more robust limit on the bar effect? ✤ What other (disk) structural parameters affect fueling and strength of the AGN? ✤ More simulations to probe the range of parameters over which a barred galaxy undergoes nuclear fueling
  15. Kyle Willett - Univ. of Minnesota Conclusions ✤ AGN are

    linked with galactic disks and their kpc-scale structure! ✤ Large-scale bars may fuel up to 16% of AGN in the local Universe! ✤ There is no detection yet of bar- driven fueling at 0.2 < z < 1.0! ✤ Detections of bulgeless AGN hosts means that there must be a path for merger-free black hole growth