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William Yeh
September 25, 2020


gRPC: a more efficient microservice interface.

在 Web service 時代,基於 HTTP 的 REST 簡單易用,是最流行的 API 服務介面。然而,到了微服務時代,服務互連現象更為頻繁緊密,以前 REST 的優點卻變成缺點:過於簡單的模型,欠缺基本的服務治理;過於陽春的 HTTP,欠缺高效的傳輸介面。

新一代的 gRPC,則是在 HTTP/2 的基礎上,盡量維持簡單易用的特性,又具備微服務世界該有的服務治理與高效傳輸。

本演講將示範 gRPC 的工作流程:介面定義、編程、測試、雲端應用實務,讓你可以開始嘗試導入 gRPC。

William Yeh

September 25, 2020

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  4. • Nginx ≥ 1.9.5 • Add “http2” in config Enable

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  5. HTTP/2 key differences ✓binary, instead of textual ✓header compression to

    reduce overhead • fully multiplexed, instead of ordered and blocking • can use one connection for parallelism • server “push” hWps://hWp2.github.io/faq/#what-are-the-key-differences-to-hWp1x
  6. gRPC app Protobuf HTTP/2 HTTP 1.1 TCP + TLS 1.2

    IP HTTP app gRPC Protocol Buffers + = HTTP/2
  7. HTTP/2 HTTP 1.1 TCP + TLS 1.2 IP HTTP app

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  9. IDL .proto Client Server Codegen Client API Server API App

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  10. Protocol buffers and competitors 2008 Protobuf 2 by Google Apache

    Thrip by Facebook 2009 Apache Avro by Hadoop 2016 Protobuf 3 by Google gRPC 1.0 by Google 2017 gRPC donated to CNCF
  11. IDL .proto Client Server Codegen Client API Server API App

    protoc XXX.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. gRPC programming flow hWps://grpc.io/docs/what-is-grpc/core-concepts/#synchronous-vs-asynchronous sync or async
  12. IDL .proto Server Mock App grpcurl Server Mock gRPC dev/test

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  13. IDL .proto Mock Server Mock 50051 docker run -it \

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  14. IDL .proto Mock grpcurl Server Mock 50051 grpcurl -plaintext \

    -d '{"latitude":407838351, "longitude":-746143763}' \ -import-path ./routeguide \ -proto route_guide.proto \ \ routeguide.RouteGuide.GetFeature
  15. IDL .proto App server.go out/server Server 10000 Server API protoc

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  16. grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"latitude":407838351, "longitude":-746143763}' \ -import-path ./routeguide \

    -proto route_guide.proto \ \ routeguide.RouteGuide.GetFeature IDL .proto Server grpcurl 10000
  17. gRPC app Protobuf HTTP/2 HTTP 1.1 TCP + TLS 1.2

    IP HTTP app gRPC Protocol Buffers + = HTTP/2
  18. gRPC benefits ✓ binary, instead of textual ✓ header compression

    to reduce overhead • fully multiplexed, instead of ordered and blocking • can use one connection for parallelism • server “push” ✓ binary marshaling format ✓ IDL ✓ language neutral HTTP/2 Protobuf • Bidirectional streaming • Deadline
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  22. Client Server Client API Server API App Code-first example C#

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  23. Server REST gRPC Server Server Desktop app Mobile app ?

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  24. gRPC mobile app Protobuf HTTP/2 TCP + TLS 1.2 UDP

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  25. Server gRPC Server Server grpc-web proxy Web browser grpc-web client

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  26. gRPC-Web Roadmap Features • Non-Binary Message Encoding • Streaming Support

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  28. REST gRPC Server Server Server Server API gateway Mobile app

    Web browser Solution #2 Off-the-shelf software Custom software
  29. via gRPC via REST Mobile app ✔ (use native lib)

    grpc-gateway api gateway Web client ⁉ grpc-web grpc-gateway api gateway Desktop client or other servers ✔ (use native lib) grpc-gateway api gateway Summary: How to communicate with gRPC servers?
  30. gRPC benefits ✓ binary, instead of textual ✓ header compression

    to reduce overhead • fully multiplexed, instead of ordered and blocking • can use one connection for parallelism • server “push” ✓ binary marshaling format ✓ IDL ✓ language neutral HTTP/2 Protobuf • Bidirectional streaming • Deadline
  31. • Efficient for inter-process communication • Simple, well-defined service interfaces

    and schema • Strongly typed • Polyglot • Duplex streaming • Built-in commodity features • Integrated with cloud native ecosystems • Mature and has been widely adopted • It may not be suitable for external-facing services • Drastic service definition changes are a complicated development process • The ecosystem is relatively small Pros Cons gRPC: Up and Running https://www.amazon.com/dp/1492058335
  32. Server REST gRPC Server Server Desktop app Mobile app ?

    ? Web browser ? ? Server ? ❶ ❷ ❸ ❸ ❸ Beyond microservices?
  33. via gRPC via REST Mobile app ✔ (use native lib)

    grpc-gateway api gateway Web client ⁉ grpc-web grpc-gateway api gateway Desktop client or other servers ✔ (use native lib) grpc-gateway api gateway Summary: How to communicate with gRPC servers?