The idea for the talk came when I had finished bedtime reading “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy to my two daughters. It took us more than a year to go through the journey of the fellowship together, with plenty of questions and digressions, some harder to even wonder about, sometimes existential. That’s why this talk will be different than others, there’ll be no programming languages but rather human language (and a small dose of elvish). Today let’s go together on an adventure and find out what does it mean to be a leader! In Middle-earth we’ll explore why it’s important to answer “why?”, what’s the difference between a good and bad leader, featuring Gandalf and Saruman (also what kind of games they were playing), what’s a diverse team, and why interns are like hobbits. There’ll also be a touch of psychology, sociology, and capitalism, plus our “industry buzzwords” like agile, senior leadership, scrum team, open-source contributions. We’ll find out where to find these in Tolkien’s fantasy world where there are no computers (unless you count palantíri as handheld peer-to-peer devices) but there’s a lot to learn from and benefit — as a leader, contributor and human being. If you are one of those, you’re welcome here (hobbits, dwarves, elves and others are welcome as well!).