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Terraform - From beginner to advanced usage

Terraform - From beginner to advanced usage

The why, what and how to leverage Terraform to manage Cloud resources safely.

Experience feedback from adoption by Leboncoin DataEngineering team.

In these slides you will find introduction material for beginners and advanced use cases you will quickly be facing when working within a team and with enterprise constraints.

Xavier Krantz

October 26, 2018

More Decks by Xavier Krantz

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Xavier Krantz - Site Reliability Engineer @Leboncoin Previously: • Criteo

    • Viadeo • Smile (OSS integrator) https://github.com/xakraz https://speakerdeck.com/xakraz https://fr.linkedin.com/in/xavierkrantz/en About Me
  2. Introduction • Terraform 101 - Bases • Terraform 102 -

    Working together • Terraform 103 - Easier, Better, Stronger • Terraform 104 - Automation & Tooling Conclusion Agenda
  3. Introduction Needs • A way to work as a team

    • A way to document our work • History
  4. Introduction Existing tools • Code libraries • Config management •

    AWS Service / Other SaaS https://www.terraform.io/intro/vs/index.html
  5. Introduction Existing tools • Code libraries • Config management •

    AWS Service / Other SaaS https://www.terraform.io/intro/vs/index.html
  6. Introduction Existing tools • Code libraries • Config management •

    AWS Service / Other SaaS https://www.terraform.io/intro/vs/index.html
  7. Terraform 101 Overview Terraform is a tool for building, changing

    and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. terraform.io/intro
  8. Terraform 101 Overview What is Terraform • Infrastructure as code

    • Execution plan • Resource graph • Change automation tool https://www.terraform.io/intro/index.html
  9. Terraform 101 Concepts: • Providers • Resources A TANGIBLE component

    of you infrastructures • Provider specific • What you want to manage resource "aws_db_instance" "timeout_example" { allocated_storage = 10 engine = "mysql" engine_version = "5.6.17" instance_class = "db.t1.micro" name = "mydb" # ... timeouts { create = "60m" delete = "2h" } }
  10. Terraform 101 Concepts: • Providers • Resources • Data sources

    A specific “dynamic” data you want • External source • Like dynamic variables # Find the latest available AMI that is tagged with Component = web data "aws_ami" "web" { filter { name = "state" values = ["available"] } filter { name = "tag:Component" values = ["web"] } most_recent = true }
  11. Terraform 101 Concepts: • Providers • Resources • Data sources

    • Variables Parameters of our code • Have to be declared specifically • Different types (String, boolean, maps, list, …) • Can have defaults variable "key" { type = "string" } variable "images" { type = "map" default = { us-east-1 = "image-1234" us-west-2 = "image-4567" } } variable "zones" { default = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"] }
  12. Terraform 101 Concepts: • Providers • Resources • Data sources

    • Variables • Outputs Outputs = Informations we want to get after Terraform has run • Can be queried via CLI • Will be shared across modules and resources output "address" { value = "${aws_instance.db.public_dns}" }
  13. Terraform 101 Files • *.tf • *.tfvars *.auto.tfvars terraform.tfvars •

    terraform.tfstate https://www.terraform.io/intro/getting-started/install.html Basics: • Files
  14. Terraform 101 4 Main commands • terraform init • terraform

    plan • terraform apply • terraform destroy https://www.terraform.io/intro/getting-started/install.html Basics: • Files • Commands
  15. Terraform 101 Other capabilities • Templates / Files • Provisioner

    • Built-in “functions” • Basic conditionals https://www.terraform.io/intro/getting-started/provision.html https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/interpolation.html Basics: • Files • Commands • Others
  16. Terraform 102 Internals 1 - Pre-Compiles Check syntax, types …

    Validate resources 5 - Applies Makes the API call to apply the changes described in the plan 2 - Refresh the state Call the providers APIs to get an updated view 4 - Plan Computes the plan to match the desired state 3 - Compiles 2 Runs DataSources Instantiates the resources -> Gets desired state Terraform internals 6 - Applies Updates the final state file
  17. Terraform 102 Internals 1 - Pre-Compiles Check syntax, types …

    Validate resources 5 - Applies Makes the API call to apply the changes described in the plan 2 - Refresh the state Call the providers APIs to get an updated view 4 - Plan Computes the plan to match the desired state 3 - Compiles 2 Runs DataSources Instantiates the resources -> Gets desired state Terraform internals 6 - Applies Updates the final state file
  18. Terraform Remote state “Backend”: example Terraform 102 Remote state backend.tf

    terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "mybucket_name" key = "path/to/my/key" } }
  19. Terraform Remote state “Backend”: • S3 • + DynamoDB Terraform

    102 State locking backend.tf terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "my_bucket_name" encrypt = "true" dynamodb_table = "my_ddb_table)name" region = "eu-west-1" role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/AssumeRole" } }
  20. Terraform 103 Modules Terraform Modules • Reusable set of “pre”

    defined / packaged resources • Helps to model the architecture Features: • Versioned • Various sources: ◦ HTTP ◦ SCM (git, svn, hg, …) ◦ Local file system https://registry.terraform.io/ https://www.terraform.io/docs/modules/index.html
  21. Terraform 103 Modules Terraform Modules privacy-access.tf module "privacy-access" { source

    = "modules/privacy-access" instance_count = "${var.access_instance_count}" instance_type = "${var.access_instance_type}" … }
  22. Terraform 103 Modules Terraform Modules data-privacy/ | ├── code/ ├──

    modules/ ├── shared/ └── README.md data-privacy/ └── modules/ └── privacy-access/ ├── alb.tf ├── ec2.tf ├── iam.tf ├── rds.tf ├── s3.tf ├── sg.tf | ├── outputs.tf └── input.tf
  23. Terraform 103 Modules Terraform Modules data-privacy/ | ├── code/ ├──

    modules/ ├── shared/ └── README.md data-privacy/ └── modules/ └── privacy-access/ ├── alb.tf ├── ec2.tf ├── iam.tf ├── rds.tf ├── s3.tf ├── sg.tf | ├── outputs.tf └── input.tf data-privacy/ └── code/ ├── modules -> ../modules/ ├── vars/ │ ├── aws-account/ │ │ ├── datadev.tfvars -> │ │ └── dataprod.tfvars -> │ │ │ └── env/ │ ├── prod.tfvars │ ├── qa0.tfvars │ └── qa2.tfvars │ ├── backend.conf ├── backend.tf -> ../shared/backend.tf ├── shared-variables.tf -> │ ├── privacy-access.tf ├── privacy-request.tf │ ├── route53.tf ├── security_groups.tf │ ├── tf-config.tf ├── data-sources.tf ├── outputs.tf └── variables.tf
  24. Terraform Remote state “data source” Terraform 103 Remote state access

    data-privacy/scripts/provision/terraform/code/data-sources.tf data "terraform_remote_state" "spark" { backend = "s3" config{ bucket = "my_bucket_name" region = "${var.region}" key = "env:/${var.env_type}/spark/main.tfstate" } }
  25. Terraform Remote state “data source” Terraform 103 Remote state access

    data-privacy/scripts/provision/terraform/code/data-sources.tf data "terraform_remote_state" "spark" { backend = "s3" config{ bucket = "data-engineering.infrastructure.leboncoin.io-tfstates" region = "${var.region}" key = "env:/${var.env_type}/spark/main.tfstate" } } privacy-access.tf module "privacy-access" { source = "modules/privacy-access" # Spark shared cluster spark_role = "${data.terraform_remote_state.spark.spark_role}" spark_security_group_id = "${data.terraform_remote_state.spark.spark_sg}" instance_count = "${var.access_instance_count}" instance_type = "${var.access_instance_type}" ... }
  26. Terraform 103 Remote state access { version: 3, terraform_version: "0.11.3",

    serial: 43, lineage: "c188d838-a1a0-419a-b04d-31ccb92b6e2c", modules: [ { path: [ "root" ], outputs: { spark_master_dns: { sensitive: false, type: "list", value: [ "spark-master-qa-0.data.mydomain.io" ] }, spark_master_ips: { sensitive: false, type: "list", value: [ "" ] }, spark_role: { sensitive: false, type: "string", value: "spark-s3rw-qa" }, spark_sg: { sensitive: false, type: "string", value: "sg-xxxxxxxx" } },
  27. Terraform 103 Workspaces Terraform States “workspaces” • 2nd the split

    backend.tf main.tf ec2.tf route53.tf security-groups.tf terraform.tfvars
  28. Why automation ? • Terraform 104 Automate you needs data-privacy/

    | ├── code/ ├── modules/ ├── shared/ └── README.md data-privacy/ └── code/ ├── modules -> ../modules/ ├── vars/ │ ├── aws-account/ │ │ ├── datadev.tfvars -> │ │ └── dataprod.tfvars -> │ │ │ └── env/ │ ├── prod.tfvars │ ├── qa0.tfvars │ └── qa2.tfvars │ ├── backend.conf ├── backend.tf -> ../shared/backend.tf ├── shared-variables.tf -> │ ├── privacy-access.tf ├── privacy-request.tf │ ├── route53.tf ├── security_groups.tf │ ├── tf-config.tf ├── data-sources.tf ├── outputs.tf └── variables.tf data-privacy/ └── modules/ └── privacy-access/ ├── alb.tf ├── ec2.tf ├── iam.tf ├── rds.tf ├── s3.tf ├── sg.tf | ├── outputs.tf └── input.tf
  29. Why automation ? Terraform 104 Automate you needs $ cd

    YOUR_PROJECT_PATH $ terraform init -backend-config=./backend.conf $ terraform apply -var-file=./vars/env/{env}.tfvars -var-file=./vars/aws-account/{aws_account}.tfvars
  30. Automated actions via “invoke” Terraform 104 Automate you needs $

    invoke -l Available tasks: ... provision.apply Update the whole stack (More with '--help') provision.destroy Destroy the aws resources (More with '--help') provision.init Initialize Terraform (More with '--help') provision.list-stack-envs provision.list-stacks provision.status Display IDs of current resources (More with '--help') ...
  31. Terraform 104 State Drift Detection • TF is imperative by

    usage (No daemon) • For better readability -> Split your code in “Stacks” • Shared with data-sources among teams • Manual actions in the AWS Console or other projects https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/detecting-and-managing-drift-with-terraform https://medium.com/build-acl/state-drift-detection-using-terraform-d0383628d2ea Monitoring
  32. Conclusion Terraform: • 1 binary, for every OS • Wide

    range of providers • Simple concepts Answers our needs: • Infra as Code • Operations safety • Share and reuse with ease
  33. Links References Official doc: • Terraform.io Modules registry: • registry.terraform.io

    Some inspiring presentations • https://speakerdeck.com/jmickey/introduction-to-terraform • https://speakerdeck.com/so0k/terraform-at-honestbee Good tools: • https://github.com/camptocamp/terraboard • https://github.com/28mm/blast-radius • https://github.com/segmentio/terraform-docs • https://github.com/coinbase/terraform-landscape • https://github.com/shuaibiyy/awesome-terraform