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Steem Coding - Python, API, Piston

Fabian Schuh
November 11, 2016

Steem Coding - Python, API, Piston

This presentation gives a quick introduction to the Steem API and how to use piston to interact with the Steem network, post, vote and comment

Fabian Schuh

November 11, 2016

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  1. Steem Coding Steem Coding Python, API, Piston Python, API, Piston

    Dr.-Ing. Fabian (@xeroc) Schuh ChainSquad GmbH (i.Gr.) October 13, 2016
  2. Requirements for this talk Requirements for this talk Coding Python:

    def main(): print("hello, world") Accessing APIs JSON {'expiration': '2016-11-09T11:09:01', 'operations': [['transfer', {.........}}]], 'ref_block_num': 17230, 'ref_block_prefix': 1220322455, 'signatures': ['.........']} Blockchain Technologies signed “Letters of intent” 1/26
  3. Outline Outline 1 Steem’s Blockchain APIs 2 First Actions Registering

    to Other APIs Using advanced APIs 3 Abstraction Layer: Piston Signed Transactions Writing to Steem Monitoring the Blockchain 4 Live Coding 5 Further Reading 2/26
  4. Steem’s Blockchain API Steem’s Blockchain API blockchain p2p-network consensus protocol

    Blockchain Database Database API Account History API Market History API Tag API Follow API Broadcast API … steemd 4/26
  5. Steem’s Blockchain API Steem’s Blockchain API blockchain p2p-network consensus protocol

    Blockchain Database Database API Account History API Market History API Tag API Follow API Broadcast API … steemd ✓ JSON formatted Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) via HTTP × No need to understand blockchain technology × No need to understand consensus schemes × No need to understand P2P networks × No need to know the protocol 4/26
  6. What are the APIs good for? What are the APIs

    good for? Database API: Database API: get_trending_tags() get_state() get_block() get_account() … Market History API (Plugin): Market History API (Plugin): get_ticker() get_trade_history() get_recent_trades() get_volume() … Broadcast API (Plugin): Broadcast API (Plugin): broadcast_transaction() broadcast_transaction_synchronous() … Follow API (Plugin): Follow API (Plugin): get_followers() get_following() get_feed() … 5/26
  7. First Actions First Actions Simple Database Query curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0",

    \ "method":"call", \ "params": \ [0, \ "get_dynamic_global_properties", \ [] \ ], \ "id":0}' \ this.piston.rocks Reply {"id":0, "result":{ "id":"2.0.0", "head_block_number":6574290, "head_block_id":"006450d2ed6f58bab8e7fca49dc1488de6dea768", "time":"2016-11-09T14:01:54", "current_witness":"jesta", "total_pow":313551, "num_pow_witnesses":108,% ..., } } 7/26
  8. Using Other APIs Using Other APIs The database API (id:

    0) is enabled and accessible by default! For every other API a identifier needs to be requested! The python-steem library simplifies this > {"method": "call", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "params": [1, "login", ["<user>","<password>"]]} < {"id":1,"result":true} > {"method": "call", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 2, "params": [1, "get_api_by_name",["network_broadcast_api"]]} < {"id":2,"result":5} 9/26
  9. Using other APIs Using other APIs Address specific APIs using

    the API number obtained in the previous step: > {"method": "call", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 3, "params": [ 5, "broadcast_transaction_synchronous", ["<signed_transaction>"] ]} < {"id":1,"result":Null} 11/26
  10. Piston: Introduction Piston: Introduction The Swiss army knife for the

    Steem blockchain! Developed to make live easier for developers and user Multiple Abstraction Layers involved: python-graphene python-steem piston Uses public API server: this.piston.rocks and node.steem.ws 13/26
  11. Simple Example Simple Example Reading from Steem: from piston.steem import

    Steem # piston.Steem abstraction steem = Steem() # RPC call get_account print(steem.rpc.get_account("chainsquad") # returns a piston.Post object print(steem.get_content("@xeroc/piston") 14/26
  12. Writing to Steem! Writing to Steem! How about Writing to

    Steem? Writing to the blockchain requires: an account the (posting, or active) private key “letters of intent”: vote, or comment, or transfer, etc. Providing Keys to Piston: > piston addkeys # Shell command to use the internal wallet >>> steem = Steem(keys=["5xxxxx", "5xxxxx"]) # Provide a list of keys # Advanced users can force keys for signing >>> steem = Steem(keys={ "owner": "5xxxxx", "active": "5xxxxx", "posting": "5xxxxx", "memo": "5xxxxx", }) 16/26
  13. Signed Transactions Signed Transactions All actions that “change” the blockchain

    (e.g. votes, comments, transfers, etc) require a signed transaction of this form: {'expiration': '2016-11-09T15:03:43', 'extensions': [], 'operations': [[<list of operations>]], 'ref_block_num': 21908, 'ref_block_prefix': 2930661658, 'signatures': ['1f3dba2ba.....bf3ea1a8a0b']} 17/26
  14. Example signed Transaction Example signed Transaction The actual singing process

    is provided by python-graphene and is not part of this talk. All piston methods that “write to” the blockchain return a (partially) signed transaction of the above form. >>> from piston.steem import Steem >>> steem = Steem(nobroadcast=True) >>> print(steem.transfer(to="fabian", account="xeroc", amount=1, asset="SBD")) Passphrase: *********** Not broadcasting anything... {'ref_block_prefix': 2732406441, 'ref_block_num': 21994, 'expiration': '2016-11-09T15:08:00', 'operations': [['transfer', { 'from': 'xeroc', 'memo': '', 'to': 'fabian', 'amount': '1.000 SBD'}]], 'extensions': [], 'signatures': ['202ceb735d3c1e3b22be63b...96d5d136e41958156716de'] } 18/26
  15. Writing to Steem Writing to Steem With the installed (posting,

    active) private key(s), we enable additional piston calls: steem.post() steem.edit() steem.reply() steem.vote() steem.transfer() # required active key steem.buy() # required active key steem.convert() # required active key steem.allow() # required active key ... 20/26
  16. The Post class The Post class Posts themselves are consequently

    represented using the Post abstraction class which adds post-specific methods that correspond to this particular post: post = steem.get_content("@xeroc/piston") post.upvote() post.reply("You rock!") print(post.url) print(post["url"]) print(post.author) print(post.title) print(post.body) print(post.author_rewards) print(post.net_votes) print(post.get_comments()) # again returns Post instances ... 21/26
  17. Monitoring the Blockchain Monitoring the Blockchain Monitoring Posts Monitoring Posts

    for post in steem.stream_comments(): if not post.depth: print(post.body) Monitoring Raw Blocks Monitoring Raw Blocks for block in steem.rpc.block_stream(): print(block["block_num"]) Monitoring Specific Operations Monitoring Specific Operations for op in steem.rpc.stream(["transfer", "vote"]): print(op) 23/26