NATIONS INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR MIGRATION EUROPEAN COMMISSION Legal Relevant Irrelevant Relevant Citizenship Unclear Irrelevant Irrelevant Ethnic or National Origin Relevant Relevant Relevant Duration of stay in host country Temporary Migrants Excluded All Included Temporary Migrants Excluded Legal employment Relevant Irrelevant Relevant Skills to offer Relevant Relevant Relevant Funds to offer Relevant Relevant Relevant Subjective feeling of belonging Unclear Relevant Irrelevant
(NIDO) Worldwide in 2000 with branches across Europe, the United States and Canada. • The Nigerian National Volunteer Service (NNVS) was established in 2003. • Diaspora Export Programme (DEP) launched in September, 2013
(McPherson et al., 2001). • Two distinct and mutually exclusive behavioural alternatives (Granovetter, 1978). • Preferences are heterogeneous. • Choice is less costly when more people are involved.
Extremely low threshold /high benefit/Instrumental motivation Linking Instigators Institutionalised support Invest through agencies or government Low threshold / moderate benefit/ altruistic motivation Bonding Early majority Like-me support Invest in businesses owned by people they feel strongly connected to High threshold/weak benefit/mixed motivation Bridging Latter Majority Cross-cutting support Invest in any type of business but needs a lot of convincing Extremely high threshold /no benefit/no motivation None Disinterested Support none