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Is Quality Score Dead or Alive? A BrightonSEO Dive

Is Quality Score Dead or Alive? A BrightonSEO Dive

This presentation, originally delivered at BrightonSEO on October 3rd, 2024, tackles the burning question: is Quality Score still relevant?

Inside, you'll discover:

1. The surprising truth about Quality Score's role - See its evolution from revolutionary tool to strategic advantage.
2. Quality Score Demystified: Learn what it truly is (and what it's not!)
3. Unlocking PPC Performance: Discover how to leverage Quality Score for optimal search campaign results.
4. Practical Tips & Real-World Examples: Dive into step-by-step guides to calculate your Quality Score and see how it impacts campaigns.
5. The Future of Quality Score: Explore its application in the ever-growing world of non-search campaigns.

Need a personalised PPC checkup? Contact Serge, Your PPC Doctor, at [email protected]

Serge Nguele

October 02, 2024

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. The best talk title in the world! Name Surname COMPANY

    NAME Is Quality Score Dead? Serge Nguele Your PPC Doctor Speakerdeck.com/yourppcdoc @serge-nguele
  2. Hey, I’m Serge Your PPC Doctor if you want to

    connect with me. + Scan to Connect www.yourppcdoctor.com
  3. Charity client. Up to $10,000 Google Ads Grant account: Increase

    traffic Average CPC of $5.20 Our Finding: Jan 2024 Ad groups with +25 keywords 55% of ads with a ‘Poor’ Ad strength ‘
  4. What we did This is how we did it 

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