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December 05, 2018



December 05, 2018

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  1. γεςϜ֓ཁ Generator API Management Console Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment

    Namespace Kubernetes APIΛ௨ͯ͡ Namespace΍ඞཁͱͳΔϦιʔ ε܈Λ࡞੒
  2. γεςϜ֓ཁ Generator API Management Console Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment

    Namespace GitLab APIΛ௨ͯ͡ϓϩδΣΫτ ͷ࡞੒ʢςϯϓϨʔτ͔ΒͷΠϯ ϙʔτʣͱCI/CD༻ͷVariablesͷ ઃఆ Container Registry΋ར༻Մ
  3. γεςϜ֓ཁ Generator API Management Console Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment

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  5. γεςϜ֓ཁ Developer Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment Namespace Container Registry

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  6. γεςϜ֓ཁ Developer Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment Namespace workspace Container

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  7. γεςϜ֓ཁ Developer Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment Namespace workspace Container

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  8. γεςϜ֓ཁ Developer Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment Namespace workspace Container

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  9. γεςϜ֓ཁ Developer Load Barancer Ingress Service Deployment Namespace workspace Container

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  10. GitLab & GitLab CI •  GitLabɺGitLab Container RegistryΛར༻ •  CI/CDδϣϒ͸Kubernetes

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