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This speech describes the changes in big companies’ mindset that bring opensource inside the product development process as a business opportunity. From Linux pioneer to the Microsoft opensource revolution, Opensource is a sustainable business model.

Open source is more of a philosophy than a thing you can buy. This philosophy is sustainable and has a win-win approach.

For developers, it’s a good habit that can increase professionalism and produces values for the developer and the community. For a company, it helps to be visible and share your products, thereby increasing profits. That’s why all of the big players moved into it. As a company, you still have time to start in the open-source game and be distinctive thanks to your open-source activity. Don’t wait too much longer, though.

The speech is articulated in these sections:

- introduction about my personal journey to opensource. This is important to create a rapport with the attendees and create trust in the speaker.

- what stop opensource to enter the companies until now a complete overview of the issues that prevent the opensource philosophy adoption in companies (patents, intellectual property, etc..)

- benefits we are loosing in this section I will explain the opportunities and the opportunity revenue of opensource

- conclusion in this section will be presented a solution to harmonize pro and cons of opensource to create a profitable business model in enterprises that bring benefits to business and to the community

An extract of the speech is available here https://medium.com/better-programming/from-open-source-to-openmind-cb61ce05593a?source=friends_link&sk=adea560401b2d9def00c87d4cd86e4b1

Daniele Fontani

October 16, 2019

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  1. A LOT OF EXPERIENCE!! • Automatic updates, error reporting, reusable

    UI components • Feedback from university • Community development
  2. No.

  3. Opensource business model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_models_for_open- source_software Opensource payback - https://www.cnet.com/news/open-source-vc-investments-time- for-payback/

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/tech-firms-grapple-with-how-to-make-open-source-pay- 1457031731 Miquel de Icaza https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Icaza