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We should optimize images

Shogo Sensui
November 20, 2014

We should optimize images

Slide for "Your 5 minutes of fame" in JSConf.Asia. More detail http://bit.ly/we-should-optimize-images

Shogo Sensui

November 20, 2014

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  1. I’m Shogo Sensui a.k.a 1000ch from Tokyo, Japan work at

    CyberAgent, Inc. as Performance Provocateur
  2. Steve Souders said… 80-90% of the end-user response time is

    spent on the frontend. Start there. via High Performance Web Site
  3. Related Factors? Minimize round trip times Minimize request overhead Minimize

    payload size Optimize browser rendering etc… ! " # $
  4. Related Factors? Minimize round trip times Minimize request overhead Minimize

    payload size Optimize browser rendering etc… ! " # $
  5. grunt-image Features Reduce the number of color Remove image meta

    data Support JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG. Work on CLI ! % & | (
  6. In development. If in production, down converting them is worth

    considering. Which contain many colors and transparency. When? What kind of images?
  7. When we upload images to production server. They are lossy

    compressed. Which contain many colors but transparency, and will be lossy compressed. When? What kind of images?
  8. When we upload images to production server. They are lossless

    compressed but already lossy. Which contain ~256 colors and transparency. When? What kind of images?