part of axillary artery 2nd part of axillary artery Medial cord Ulnar nerve Musculocutaneous nerve Median nerve Coracobrachialis m. 3rd part of axillary artery Lateral root of median n. Medial root of median nerve
axillary a. Second part of axillary artery Lateral cord 3rd part of axillary artery Coracobrahialis m. Lateral root of median nerve Musculo-cutaneous nerve Median nerve
Suprascapular a. Subscapular a. Circumflex scapular a. Deep branch of transverse cirvical a. Lateral cutaneous branches of posterior intercostal arteries from Thyrocervical trunk Thoracic aorta Dr.Sherif Fahmy
of subclavian, third part of axillary and abdominal aorta through the following branches: Site: the dorsal aspect of scapula. A- First part of subclavian artery: 1- Suprascapular a. (supraspinous & infraspinous fossae) 2- Deep branch of transverse cervical artery (supraspinous & infraspinous fossae). B- Third part of axillary artery: 1- Circumflex scapular artery from subscapular artery (infraspinous fossa). C- Descending thoracic aorta: 1- Anterior divisions of lateral cutaneous branches of posterior intercostal arteries (supraspinous & infraspinous fossae).
of subclavian, axillary and brachial arteries. Through the following branches: - Suprascapular a. from subclavian a. - Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries from axillary a. - Ascending branch from profunda brachii a.