contains: Muscles: 1. Pectoralis major m. 2. Pectoralis minor m. 3. Subclavius m. Fascia: 1. Pectoral fascia. 2. Clavipectoral fascia. Nerves & Vessels: 1. Nerve and vascular supply of the pectoral region.
and medially rotates the arm at shoulder joint. A- Clavicular head: Flexes the arm. B- Sternocostal head: Extends the flexed arm and deep inspiratory m. Nerve supply: Lateral & medial pectoral nerves
(weak) of the scapula. 2- Downward rotation of the scapula and lowering the shoulder. 3- Deep inspiratory m. Nerve supply: Mainly medial pectoral nerve.
outer surface of upper 8 ribs (midway between costo-chondral junctions and angle of ribs). -First digitation arises from 1st & 2nd ribs with tendinous arch inbetween, the other digitations each arises from the rib of the same number. -Lower part interdigitate with upper part of external abdominal oblique muscle. Insertion: -Anterior aspect of medial border of scapula.
(pushing & reaching). 2- Lower 5 digitations upwards rotates the scapula (abduction of arm above 90 degrees). 3- Fix the scapula over chest specially during movement of the scapula. 4- Raise the ribs in forced inspiration.
groove of subclavius Medial: to upper 2 costal cartilages Lateral: to coracoid process and coraco-clavicular ligament Lower: It encloses pectoralis minor muscle, then continues to floor of axilla as suspensory ligament of axilla