Slap Bones on the Back Laugh Tell Scotty to Energize Raise Eyebrow Glare at Kirk Digitize Molecules Materialize on planet surface Send data beam to planet image source:
item that we might build in our software • It names what we might build • It tries to avoid saying how User Stories act as the boundary to facilitate conversation between many people (The User, PO, Dev, UX, QA)
to different people • Stories need different details to support different people's work • Stories have different natural sizes depending on who your talking to Stories "... are weakly structured in common use, and become strongly structured in individual use."
"Express stories in a language most people can understand" Build stories with different sizes. Your backlog should have a variety of related stories to drive conversation about what your building Don't sweat the details Details should be discussed in other pertinent meetings, where they are useful.
of necessary tasks across the full span of user experience’ Start at the highest level necessary and backfill stories Separate out User Tasks/Actions & System Tasks Revist the map constantly Review the Map with others, poke holes in the flow, identify pain points and iterate based on the conversation.
Start with the ‘Walking Skeleton’ • Only be as specific as you need to • Focus on the MVP’s or MVR’s (Minimum Viable Release) • Improve holistically over time as you gain product knowledge Alway refer back to the map!