2 Primers (for everyone) Aims code context 1 - Have an understanding of the power of the web/ the poten9al for innova9ve exci9ng design solu9ons & products. code context 2 - Unlock and see how easy it is to create for the web as a pla8orm. 4
advanced code 3 In-depth (sign up) Aims To learn and develop best prac0ce and create rich user experiences that use the web pla6orm based on content developed during the group project. 6
in the print medium, and o6en desire in the web medium, is simply a func%on of the limita%on of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility. But first, we must accept the ebb and flow of things1. — John Allsopp, April 2000 1 h$p:/ /www.alistapart.com/ar3cles/dao/ 23
every user's experience so that it's appropriate to the capabili;es of the [viewport] they're using. That will likely mean that designs will look different — some;mes very different — across [viewports]. — Andrew Clarke 51
it's something else. If you don't embrace the inherent fluidity of the web, you're not a web designer, you're something else. Web design is responsive design, Responsive Web Design is web design, done right. — Andrew Clarke 68
Typecast/ Monotype/ Jonathan Stark/ Aral Balkan/ Richard Stallman/ Mike Monteiro/ Aaron Walter/ Erin Kissan/ Christopher Murphy/ Jeremy Keith/ Sco8 Jehl/ Internet of Things/ Remy Sharp/ Tantek/ Open Data/ Open Web/ IndieWeb/ Open source/ Web App/ The Web is ... (conference) 107
Apart/ Five Simple Steps/ Sarah Parmenter/ Jenn Lukas/ Eric Meyer/ Lawrence Lessig/ Aaron Swartz/ Edward Snowden/ Cory Doctorow/ Jennifer Robins/ Meagan Fisher/ Andrew Clarke/ Jon Hicks/ Andy Budd/ Mike Kus/ Tim Van Damme/ Veerle Pieters/ Simon Collison/ IndieTech / 24ways/ Jared Spool 108