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Meet The Social Side of Your Architecture

Adam Tornhill
September 23, 2019

Meet The Social Side of Your Architecture

We as an industry often talk about the importance of team work and the power of team autonomy. But I have also seen that it is notoriously hard to get right. And when we fail we fail miserably. So in this session we approach software development from the people side — the side of social psychology.

Adam Tornhill

September 23, 2019

More Decks by Adam Tornhill

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  12. @AdamTornhill Low Team Autonomy because the architecture is technically oriented,

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  17. @AdamTornhill Conway’s Law and Its Impact on Modularity Recommendation Align

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  18. Microservices? Yes, possible but not a guarantee (as we have

    seen…). An expensive and high-discipline architecture. Microservices wont’ cure your dependency blues. @AdamTornhill Team-sized, partitioned by Business Capabilities, not data Small teams: + Less coordination overhead + Motivational: minimises the risk for social loafing 
 with each contribution being recognised.
  19. UI (feature set) UI and/or REST API (another feature set)

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  21. @AdamTornhill Express Natural Team Boundaries in Your Architecture Business Capability

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  22. Tools Code Maat: command line, open source (GPL) https://github.com/adamtornhill/code-maat adam$

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 7 Bob
 2 N. Cross 37 B. Horn Mining data with Git Example: Coordination per component CodeScene: Behavioral Code Analysis https://codescene.io/
  23. We attribute the same observable behaviour to different factors depending

    on whether it concerns our group or another one. The Fundamental Attribution Error We overestimate personality factors when explaining the actions of others. “Our” work “Their” work @AdamTornhill
  24. “The extent to which you can implement new features without

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  25. @AdamTornhill Blog on Software Evolution, Technical Debt, and Behavioral Code

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