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Semantic Image Search: a non-technical introduction to machine learning

Semantic Image Search: a non-technical introduction to machine learning

In which I give a non-technical introduction to machine learning in the context of Google's recent announcements about using deep learning techniques for semantic image search, explain why you should use it and discuss some of the ethical challenges it raises.

Ade Oshineye

August 29, 2013

More Decks by Ade Oshineye

Other Decks in Technology


  1. THE MISSION & THE TOOLS “Google’s mission is to organize

    the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”
  2. DEEP LEARNING: SOLUTION 1 Unsupervised (mostly) 2 Machine learning for

    feature extractor 3 Hierarchy of features and pre-training 4 Machine learning for classifier Based on applying academic work at unprecedented scale
  3. Skipping over a ton of other work by other teams

    and systems to turn this into a useful production service
  4. CHALLENGES 1 Feedback 2 Finding applications 3 The Highlander test

    and face recognition 4 The screwdriver test and ethics
  5. ACCESSIBLE AND USEFUL “We systematically overestimate the value of access

    to information and underestimate the value of access to each other” Clay Shirky