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Deep Dive into Flutter State

Adi Nugroho
September 23, 2019

Deep Dive into Flutter State

Introduction to State and State Management in Flutter

Adi Nugroho

September 23, 2019

More Decks by Adi Nugroho

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  1. Adi Nugroho - Mobile Developer @ Upwork - Clients :

    - Indonesia Stock Exchange - Edgeworks Solutions Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) - TestFairy (USA) - Synapsyte Pty. Ltd. (Australia) - Plantas Técnicas Plantec Cía. Ltda. (Ecuador)
  2. What’s Flutter Cross platform framework developed by Google. Its main

    programming language is Dart. It can be used to develop app on: - Android - iOS - Web - Desktop - Fuchsia (soon)
  3. What’s Flutter Everything related to view in Flutter is called

    Widget. - Button - Text - Padding - Container
  4. Flutter Uses Reactive Programming - In imperative programming, we use

    statement to change program’s state. btnConfirm.setOnClickListener { txtGreeting.text = txtInput.text } // What happen if txtGreeting or txtInput is not exist
  5. Flutter Uses Reactive Programming - In reactive programming, we change

    the data flow / state and the changes will propagate to the widget. But it also incorporate many paradigms : https://flutter.dev/docs/resources/faq#what-programming-paradigm-does-flutters-framework-use
  6. class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget { ... } class _MyHomePageState extends

    State<MyHomePage> { var judul = "Hit You With"; void _onButtonPressed() { setState(() { judul = "Ddu Ddu Ddu"; }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: <Widget>[ Text(judul,), MaterialButton( onPressed: () => _onButtonPressed(), ), ], ); } }
  7. How Flutter build() works - UI refreshes at 60fps. -

    When a state change happens, Flutter engine compares between new and old. - Only update widgets that have state changes. - Old widget then get garbage collected.
  8. Widget and State Flutter has 2 type of widget -

    Stateless Widget - Stateful Widget What is state? In Flutter, this is just a variable.
  9. Stateless Widget - Widget without state. - When it is

    displayed, it execute the build method and DONE. - That’s it. - Best for static content and container.
  10. class StateDemo3 extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text("Demo Stateless"), ), body: Center( child: Text( "Aplikasi Versi 1.0", ), ), ); } }
  11. Stateful Widget - Widget with state. - Best for widget

    with dynamic content. - Has setState function to change state. - Has initState method that’s called when the widget is displayed.
  12. class StateDemo3 extends StatefulWidget { @override _StateDemo3State createState() => _StateDemo3State();

    } class _StateDemo3State extends State<StateDemo3> { var versi = "0.0"; Future<void> _loadVersi() async { var loaded = await API.loadAppVersion(); setState(() { versi = loaded }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text("Demo Stateless"), ), body: Center( child: Text( "Aplikasi Versi $versi", ), ), ); }
  13. Stateful Widget as Container? - Only when there’s a need

    to communicate between children. - But there’s a better way to do this : State Management
  14. State Management - Almost every Flutter app consists of reusable

    widgets. - These widgets need to communicate with each other, whether in one Container or when they’re being navigated. - Famous state management in Flutter: - BLoC - ScopedModel - Flutter Redux - Provider
  15. Provider - Built by Flutter team. Provider was created after

    they need to combine the strength between ScopedModel and BLoC (Stream). - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_m5csmrf7I&t=35s