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My Coworker is A Monster?!

My Coworker is A Monster?!

Things are usually mundane at the comic shop Alex works at with their sleazy boss, Reggie, but everything changes after Reggie receives a mysterious package and needs Alex's help to clean up the mess.

Antonio Espada

January 20, 2024


  1. Dialog A: Yo, Ribs-- Dialog A: Need help? Dialog R:

    Nah, I got it. Dialog R: Alan-- Dialog A: It's Alex.
  2. Dialog R: Alex. Dialog R: We got that new series

    you wanted. Dialog A: Really?! Dialog It's the ones with the sexy buff chicks on the cover right? Dialog Forgot to tell you earlier, Dialog but I put it over there.
  3. Dialog Ew-- Dialog Don't say that! Dialog Why would you

    say it like that...! Dialog R: You can go home a little early today, if you want. Dialog A: Do I still get paid?
  4. Dialog R: Yeah, of course. Dialog A: *sighs* Dialog A:

    Aight, heading out. Dialog R: Got your laptop?
  5. Dialog A: Yup. Dialog R: Get home safe, kiddo! Dialog

    A: I'm 15. Don't call me kiddo. Dialog R: Sure thing, buddy!
  6. Dialog Welcome to Reggieʼs Comics and Games! Dialog How can

    I help a beautiful lady such as yourself this evening? Dialog Um... Dialog Are you Mr...
  7. Dialog Reggie Smith? Dialog Reggie Inkslur-Beegsly Smith - Dialog –

    the Third – Dialog -at your service. Dialog Please sign so I can leave.