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Middleware to the Rescue: A PHPMiNDS Story

Middleware to the Rescue: A PHPMiNDS Story

Introducing the PHPMinds User Group and how we used middleware for functionality ranging from basic authentication whitelisting to making CLI requests using actions.

Antonis Pavlakis

October 01, 2016

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  1. A PHP UG in Nottingham Meeting every 2nd Thursday Founded

    by Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) and Shaun Hare (@sdh100Shaun) In December 2015 Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  2. The brief Use new technologies Event integration with meetup.com and

    joind.in Website Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  3. Built using Centos 7 / Nginx / MariaDB / LetsEncrypt

    Automated Deployment PHP 7 Slim 3 framework Based on Rob Allen’s (@akrabat) Slim 3 Skeleton Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  4. What is middleware? “A pipeline of small bits of code

    that operate on the response object or the request object.” Rob Allen Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  5. Use case #1 Create an admin area for authenticated users

    (to manage events) Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  6. Use case #1 - Steps * List links which require

    authentication (white list) * Redirect non-authenticated users to home page * Allow authenticated users to access the page Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  7. ->add(function($request, $response, callable $next){
 $whiteList = [

 if (!isset($_SESSION['auth'])) {
 if (in_array($request->getUri()->getPath(), $whiteList)) {
 return $response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', '/');
 return $next($request, $response);
 }); Some basic logic to add to the route (or group of routes) Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  8. class AuthCheck
 private $isAuth = false;
 private $authRoutes =

 public function __construct(array $session, $authKey = 'auth', array $authRoutes = [])
 if (array_key_exists($authKey, $session)) {
 $this->isAuth = true;
 $this->authRoutes = $authRoutes;
 public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $next)
 if (!$this->isAuth) {
 if (in_array($request->getUri()->getPath(), $this->authRoutes)) {
 return $response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', '/');
 return $next($request, $response);
 } Move it into its own class
  9. Use case #2 - Steps * Create a joind.in event

    * Wait for the event to be approved * Create a joind.in talk Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  10. Implementation * Create a cron * Make a call through

    the CLI * Use same entry point (?) Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  11. Creating a Request object from parameters passed on the CLI

    Based on Bobby DeVeaux's (@bobbyjason) Gulp Skeleton Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  12. Main objective Call the CLI script using: route / action

    / query string e.g. php public/index.php /status GET event=true Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  13. global $argv;
 if (isset($argv)) {
 $path =

    $this->get($argv, 1);
 $method = $this->get($argv, 2);
 $params = $this->get($argv, 3);
 if (strtoupper($method) === 'GET') {
 $this->request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment(\Slim\Http\Environment::mock([
 'REQUEST_URI' => $this->getUri($path, $params),
 'QUERY_STRING' => $params
 return $next($this->request, $response); A bit of logic… Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
 if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')

 return $response->withStatus(404)->withHeader('Location', '/404');
 if (!$request->getParam('event')) {
 return $response->withStatus(404)->withHeader('Location', '/404');
 // Create talks for approved events
 try {
 $result = $this->eventsService->manageApprovedEvents($userID);
 $this->logger->info(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $result);
 } catch (\Exception $e) {
 $this->logger->alert(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $e->getMessage());
 The action Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  15. Use case #3 Restrict CLI action only to CLI calls

    Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  16. final class Api
 private $sapi;

    function __construct($sapi)
 $this->sapi = $sapi;
 public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
 if (strtolower($this->sapi) !== PHP_SAPI) {
 return $next($request, $response);
 } Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
 if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')

 return $response->withStatus(404)->withHeader('Location', '/404');
 if (!$request->getParam('event')) {
 return $response->withStatus(404)->withHeader('Location', '/404');
 // Create talks for approved events
 try {
 $result = $this->eventsService->manageApprovedEvents($userID);
 $this->logger->info(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $result);
 } catch (\Exception $e) {
 $this->logger->alert(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $e->getMessage());
 Now the action can be simplified from this Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
 if (!$request->getParam('event')) {
 return $response->withStatus(404)->withHeader('Location', '/404');

    // Create talks for approved events
 try {
 $result = $this->eventsService->manageApprovedEvents($userID);
 $this->logger->info(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $result);
 } catch (\Exception $e) {
 $this->logger->alert(__CLASS__ . ' :: ' . $e->getMessage());
 To this Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon
  19. Adoni Pavlakis (@pavlakis) - PHPNW16 Uncon Resources Basic Authentication Check

    https://github.com/phpminds/website CLI Request https://github.com/pavlakis/slim-cli SAPI Check https://github.com/pavlakis/php-server-interface- middleware