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SVGo Workshop: 2011

SVGo Workshop: 2011

An introduction to SVGo, includes a introduction to the Go programming language, a library overview, sketching with code with numerous examples, and drawing pictures from Internet services

Anthony Starks

October 20, 2011

More Decks by Anthony Starks

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Go  Fundamentals:  program  structure package main import ( "pkg" )

    func foo(x, y int) int { ... } // start here func main() { z := foo(10, 20) pkg.Stuff(z) }
  2. Go  Fundamentals:  variables  and  declaraEons var ( number,i,j int big

    float64 = 12345678.90 things = []string{"one", "two"} ) foo := 10 bar := 20.0 baz := `SVG is "really" cool`
  3. Go  Fundamentals:  if  and  loop if SVGisCool { ... }

    else { ... } for t:= 0.0; t <= 360.0; t += 60.0 { ... }
  4. Rect(100,  200,  250,  125,"fill:gray;  stroke:blue") object arguments CSS  style objects,

     API  and  output <rect  x="100"  y="200"   width="250"  height="125"   style="fill:gray;  stroke:blue"/> (100,200) 250 125
  5. Rect(100,  200,  250,  125, object arguments objects,  API  and  output

    `id="box"`,  `fill="gray"`,  `stroke="blue"`) <rect  x="100"  y="200" width="250"  height="125" id="box"  fill="gray"  stroke="blue"/> a=ributes (100,200) 250 125
  6. Structure,  Metadata,  Links New(w  io.Writer) Specify  the  desEnaEon  for  the

     generated  code Start(w,  h  int,  opEons  ...string) Begin  the  SVG  document,  with  opEons Startview(w,  h,  minx,  miny,  vw,  vh  int) Begin  the  document  with  a  viewport Group(s  ...string)/Gend() Begin  a  group  with  arbitrary  a=ributes Gid(id  string)/Gend() Begin/end  a  group  with  an  id Gstyle(s  string)/Gend() Begin/end  a  group  style ClipPath(s  ...string)/ClipEnd() Begin/end  ClipPath Def(s  string)/DefEnd() Begin/end  definiEon  block Title(s  string) Specify  the  document  Etle Desc(s  string) Specify  the  document  descripEon Link(href,  Etle  string)/LinkEnd() Link  to  content  between  Link  and  LinkEnd Use(x,  y  int,  link  string,  style  ...string) Use  previously  defined  content End() End  the  SVG  document
  7. Shapes CenterRect(x,  y,  w,  h  int,  s  ...string) Rect(x,  y,

     w,  h  int,  s  ...string) Polygon(x,  y  []int,    s  ...string) Ellipse(x,  y,  rx,  ry  int,  s  ...string) Circle(x,  y,  r  int,    s  ...string) Roundrect(x,  y,  w,  h,  rx,  ry  int,  s  ...string) Square(x,  y,  w  int,  s  ...string)
  8. Lines,  Curves,  and  Path Polyline(x,  y  []int,  s  ...string) Line(x1,

     y1,  x2,  y2  int,  s  ...string) Arc(sx  sy,  ax,  ay,  r  int,  large,  sweep  bool,  ex  ey  int,  s  ...string) Bezier(sx,  sy,  cx,  cy,  px,  py,  ex,  ey  int,  s  ...string) Path(d  string,  s  ...string) Qbez(sx,  sy,  cx,  cy,  ex,  ey  int,  s  ...string)
  9. Transforms SkewX(a  float64) SkewXY(ax,  ay  float64) SkewY(a  float64) Scale(n  float64)

    ScaleXY(dx,  dy  float64) Translate(x,  y  int) Rotate(r  float64) RotateTranslate(x,  y  int,  r  float64) TranslateRotate(x,  y  int,  r  float64) Gtransform(s  string)
  10. Textpath(t,  pathid  string,  s  ...string) Text(x,  y  int,  t  string,

     s  ...string) Image(x,  y,  w,  h  int,  link  string,  s  ...string) Textlines(x,  y  int,  s  []string,  size,  spacing  int,  fill,  align  string) Text  and  Image
  11. Gradients Offset  uint8 Color  string Opacity  float64 Offcolor LinearGradient(id  string,

     x1,  y1,  x2,  y2  uint8,  sc  []Offcolor) RadialGradient(id  string,  cx,  cy,  r,  fx,  fy  uint8,  sc  []Offcolor)
  12. Colors,  Grid RGB(r,  g,  b  int) 44 77 232 ⟶

    RGBA(r,  g,  b  int,  alpha  float64) .33 ⟶ 44 77 232 Grid(x,  y,  w,  h,  n  int,  s  ...string)
  13. ScripEng canvas.Start(500, 500, `onload="Startup()"`) canvas.Script("application/javascript", "http://example.com/myscript.js") canvas.Rect(10, 10, 100, 200)

    canvas.End() 1 2 3 4 function StartUp() { ... } function doStuff(element) { ... } example.com/myscript.js 1 2 3 4 Begin  the  document,  load  your  funcEon   specify  the  script,  by  reference specify  SVG  elements,  operate  on  these end  the  SVG  document
  14. <?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="ug-­‐8"  ?> <rsp  stat="ok"> <photos  page="1"  pages="377728"  perpage="50"

     total="18886368">      <photo  id="6161689323"  owner="30858303@N04"                      secret="62b5d50e76"  server="6171"  farm="7"                      Etle="Los  Urros  (Sunrise)"  ispublic="1"  isfriend="0"  isfamily="0"  />      <photo  id="6145252600"  owner="29609591@N08"                      secret="306ae87341"  server="6088"  farm="7"                      Etle="Ardnamurchan  Lighthouse"  ispublic="1"  isfriend="0"  isfamily="0"/>                  .... </photos> </rsp> $ flickr50 beach h=p://api.flickr.com/services/rest/? method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=...&text=beach&per_page=50&sort=interesEngness-­‐desc 2 1 3 4 command flickr  request  URL flickr  XML  response Picture 1 3 4 2
  15. define  the  input  data  structures read  the  input parse  the

     input  into  the  structures draw read/parse/draw  pa=ern
  16. package main import ( "os" "http" "url" "xml" "fmt" "github.com/ajstarks/svgo"

    ) type FlickrResp struct { Stat string `xml:"attr"` Photos Photos } type Photos struct { Photo []Photo } type Photo struct { Id string `xml:"attr"` Secret string `xml:"attr"` Server string `xml:"attr"` Farm string `xml:"attr"` Title string `xml:"attr"` } imports data  structures
  17. var ( width = 805 height = 500 canvas =

    svg.New(os.Stdout) ) const ( apifmt = "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=%s&api_key=%s&%s=%s&per_page=50&sort=interestingness-desc" urifmt = "http://farm%s.static.flickr.com/%s/%s.jpg" apiKey = "...your key here..." textStyle = "font-family:Calibri,sans-serif; font-size:48px; fill:white; text-anchor:start" imageWidth = 75 imageHeight = 75 ) Variables  and  constants
  18. make  the  image  grid  from  the  XML  response // FlickrAPI

    calls the API given a method with single name/value pair func flickrAPI(method, name, value string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(apifmt, method, apiKey, name, value) } // makeURI converts the elements of a photo into a Flickr photo URI func makeURI(p Photo, imsize string) string { im := p.Id + "_" + p.Secret if len(imsize) > 0 { im += "_" + imsize } return fmt.Sprintf(urifmt, p.Farm, p.Server, im) } // imageGrid reads the response from Flickr, and creates a grid of images func imageGrid(f FlickrResp, x, y, cols, gutter int, imgsize string) { if f.Stat != "ok" { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", f) return } xpos := x for i, p := range f.Photos.Photo { if i%cols == 0 && i > 0 { xpos = x y += (imageHeight + gutter) } canvas.Link(makeURI(p, ""), p.Title) canvas.Image(xpos, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, makeURI(p, "s")) canvas.LinkEnd() xpos += (imageWidth + gutter) } }
  19. // fs calls the Flickr API to perform a photo

    search func fs(s string) { var f FlickrResp r, weberr := http.Get(flickrAPI("flickr.photos.search", "text", s)) if weberr != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", weberr) return } defer r.Body.Close() xmlerr := xml.Unmarshal(r.Body, &f) if xmlerr != nil || r.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v (status=%d)\n", xmlerr, r.StatusCode) return } canvas.Title(s) imageGrid(f, 5, 5, 10, 5, "s") canvas.Text(20, height-30, s, textStyle) } // for each search term on the commandline, create a photo grid func main() { for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ { canvas.Start(width, height) canvas.Rect(0, 0, width, height, "fill:black") fs(url.QueryEscape(os.Args[i])) canvas.End() } } Call  the  API  from  the  main  funcEon