1. Extensive CAADP stakeholder consultations led by Regional Economic Communities in the five AU regions 2. Research and analysis organized under 13 technical working groups In addition, interest groups (youth, women, farmers’ organizations, parliamentarians, academia, civil society, development partners, etc.) submitted 53 independent memoranda.
y e n d o f J u n e 2 0 24 L ed b y Re g i o n a l E c o n o m i c C o mm u n i t i e s REGIONAL STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTS AND DIALOGUES S U P P O R T E D B Y P O L I C Y L I N K C o n s u l t a t i o n i n t h e f i v e A U R eg i o n s : N o r t h ( U M A) , W e s t (E C O W AS ) , C e n t r a l (E C C A S ), S o u t h e r n (S A DC ), E a s te r n (I G AD , E A C , C O M E S A ) G u i d e l i n e s h a v e b e e n d e v e l o p e d a n d s h a r e d w i t h R E C s
y e n d o f J u l y 2 0 24 L ed b y Af r i c a n C e n te r s o f E x c e l l e n ce RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL WORK S U P P O R T E D B Y A K A D E M I Y A 2 0 6 3 O b j e c ti v e s el e c ti o n c r i t er i a w e r e d ev e l o p e d C e n t e r s o f E x c el l e n c e I d e n t i f i e d
B C D E F G H Drafting of CAADP Strategy and Actions Plan August Week 1 and 2 Validation workshop August week 4 Independent Review and consolidation August week 3 Revision Drafting a CAADP Popular version Defining Targets and Indicators for the Action Plan August Week 5 Copy Editing of the Strategy and Action Plan Drafting the Kampala Declaration September Week 1 and 2 Submit Strategy September Week 4 Translation in six AU languages September Week 3 STC-ARDWE October Week 23-25 Extraordinary Summit of the Heads of States and Government Date: January 9-11 2025 Venue: Kampala, Uganda
for coordination, increased investments, and the adoption of innovative practices • Aims to achieve sustainable, resilient, and inclusive food systems transformation that diversify economies, create millions of local jobs, raise incomes, build social cohesion, and improve socio-economic stability CAADP Strategy and Action Plan: 2026-2035: What’s New?
systems SO6: Strengthening Agri-Food Systems Governance SO1:Intensifying sustainable food production, agro-industrialization and trade SO2: Boosting investment and financing for accelerated agri- food systems transformation SO3: Ensuring food and nutrition security Strategic Objectives (SO) Six Strategic Objectives Long-term vision: African agri-food systems are sustainable, resilient to shocks and inclusive in delivering economic prosperity, livelihoods, and healthy diets and nutrition for all of Africa's population
Role of neutral facilitation • Establishment of a coordination structure • Sense of urgency • Diverse stakeholder engagement (inclusivity) • Flexibility and adaptation in process design • Emphasis on knowledge sharing and capacity building • Leveraging technology for a grater reach • Building alliances and partnership At have we learned