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Vanilla JS challenge

Vanilla JS challenge

tomoaki kanayama

February 11, 2024

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  1. だれ 金山智昭 (Kanayama Tomoaki) 三重県津市在住のプログラマーです Frontend(React, Vue, webgl) Apps (Electron,

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  2. コンポーネント指向の開発 React // index.jsx function HelloWorld(props) { return <span className="title">Hello!

    {props.name}<span> } function Root() { return <div> <HelloWorld name="world"> <HelloWorld name="vanilla js"> </div> }
  3. コンポーネント指向の開発 Web component <!-- DOMを独自に定義 --> <hello-world name="world"> <hello-world name="Vanilla

    JS"> class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' }); // このコンポーネント専用のCSSが書ける shadow.innerHTML = /* html */ ` <style> span { text-align: center; } </style> <span>Hello ${ this.name }!</span>`; } } defineComponent('hello-world', HelloWorld)
  4. Reactive Web component <Counter id="counter" count="0"></counter> class Counter extends HTMLElement

    { // 属性の値が変わったら更新される attributechangedcallback() { const shadow = this.shadowRoot; const count = this.getAttribute('count') shadow.innerHTML = /* html */ ` <span>Count: ${ count }!</span>`; } } const counter = document.getElementById('counter') counter.setAttribute("count", "6")