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Data Visualization in React

Data Visualization in React

A short presentation showing the different aspects of data visualization in React by answering the simple 5 W's and How question.

Akshay Verma

December 31, 2017

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  1. General Characteristics ◉ High level Abstractions ◉ Limited Flexibility. ◉

    Limited Data Munge Function. ◉ Easy and Ready to use Viz options
  2. Plug and Play options - Line, Bar, Pie Charts -

    Heatmaps - Choropleth - Sunburst - Scatter, Bubble Charts - TreeMaps - Sankey
  3. Reasons why visualization in React can be a good thing.

    ◉ VirtualDOM, Performance ◉ Rich Developer Experience ◦ Reusability, Composability, Integration, Hot Reloading, ...
  4. - Visual appeal of D3 viz - Interactivity, Animation, Design,

    Colors etc - Scope and variety - Documentation and examples (Mike Bostock’s blocks) - Data related functions. Where D3 wins
  5. - Better Developer Experience - Scaling is easy. 1K+ lines

    of code is difficult to manage in D3 - Fast Development - Easy Learning curve Where React wins
  6. Difficulties in Integration ◉ Different Philosophies for Data Updation &

    DOM Handling ◉ Approaches and perspective to develop are different. ◦ React - View oriented ◦ D3 - Data oriented ◉ Javascript is tricky!
  7. Best Suited for - Dashboard style Apps with basic charts.

    Tight deadlines, Amateur visualization skills, fast pace development turn in favour of React.
  8. “ Data Visualization in React is still in an early

    stage. D3 and React aren't still a perfect match, yet. Parent Javascript is a tricky creature. People are talking about it with their opinions and theories. But in the end everyone is trying for a happy ending!