can be used (internally and/or publicly) • Build • Archive • Upload to QA/staging/ production distribution channels 🤖 Continuous Integration Make sure the changes proposed are safe to merge into the default branch • Run validations • Run tests • Generate artifacts
permissions to access Secrets Manager via IAM 🕵 Pass the secret ID (ARN) via user data when creating the EC2 instance 🏁 Use AWS ec2-macos-init to handle user data for startup operations 🍏 🔌 Connect to GitHub Actions… need a join token
AWS In-house infra In-house infra w/ smart scaling Mac minis on premise 5 M1 instances per month ~ $3-4k > $3k ~ $2,300 ~ $1,650 🤯 Maintenance pain Virtually none Moderate Initial setup pain, joy and satisfaction thereafter High
vs Build? What’s the expected workload? How many pull requests & CD jobs per hour? Codebase size? How many apps/tools/repos? Need a CI/CD at all? Dev-hosted runners? In-house HW? Full third-party platform? Just workers? Existence of a DevOps team? Any in-house knowledge Anybody with the desire to skill up in DevOps? Number of teams? Would Virtualisation help?