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La 5G, 15' pour (presque) tout comprendre

Alexis DUQUE
November 13, 2019

La 5G, 15' pour (presque) tout comprendre

La 5G arrive à grands pas et de nombreux médias et industriels commencent à en parler. Ce fut notamment le cas lors duMobile World Congress (MWC) qui s'est tenu à Barcelone en mars dernier.

Alors que le processus de standardisation n'est pas encore tout à fait finalisé, certains d'entre vous se posent sûrement de nombreuses questions : qui sont les acteurs ? quand ? que cela va-t-il changer ? quelles sont les technologies qui se cachent derrière le terme "5G" ?

Au cours de cette présentation, j'essayerais de répondre à ces questions. Nous parlerons notamment de 3GPP de mmWave, NFV, 5G-New Radio, Massive IoT, LPWAN, ou de beamforming.

Alexis DUQUE

November 13, 2019

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  1. 2 HELLO! I am Alexis Duque Director of Research at

    Rtone PhD @alexis0duque alexisd@rtone.fr rtone.fr
  2. DISCLAIMERS 4 Mobile generations do not reflect technological evolution, marketing

    terms Mobile communications generations result from many evolutions and thus are not perfectly distinct Commercial, economical, and financial issues greatly influence the mobile technologies development
  3. WHO? 5 3GPP: groups of telecommunications standards associations, in Europe,

    Japan, USA ⇒ defines the standard NGMN: leading network operators organization, Verizon, O2, Telefonica, Orange, etc. 5GPPP: European initiative with industrial and institutional partners, Nokia, Ericsson, ...
  4. STANDARDIZATION ROADMAP 13 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

    2020 2000 2003 1985 … … … Year Deployment Of IMT-2020 DevelopmeDe velopmenntt OfOf Dev. of IMT-2020 Vision of IMT-2020 Vision of IMT-Adv Deployment of IMT-Adv Dev. of IMT-2000 Deployment Of IMT-2000 3G R16 R15 R14 5G 4G Dev. of IMT-Advanced Deployment of IMT-2020 9 years 15 years 5 years R13
  5. 15 HOW? ▸ New Radio Spectrum ▸ New Radio Multiplexing

    Technologies ▸ New Efficient Spectrum Usage Techniques ▸ New Energy Saving Mechanisms ▸ Application Specific Improvements

    Massive MIMO ▸ Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) ▸ FDD-TDD Carrier Integration ▸ Simultaneous Transmission and Reception ▸ Dynamic TDD ▸ License Assisted Access (LAA) ▸ Multimode Base Stations ▸ Intelligent Multi-Mode RAT Selection ▸ Higher order modulations in small cells
  7. 20 BEAMFORMING & BEAMSTEERING Ref: G. Xu, et al, “Full-Dimension

    MIMO: Status and Challenges in Design and Implementation,” May 2014, http://www.ieee-ctw.org/2014/slides/session3/CTW_2014_Samsung_FD-MIMO.pdf
  8. 24 MOBILE EDGE COMPUTING Computation needs to come to edge

    : router, mobile, IoT IoT Gateway, app specific computing
  9. EU ROADMAP 28 2019 • Release of 3,5 GHz &

    26 GHz frequency bands • Frequency attribution strategy definition • Frequency attribution auction open • 5G pilot projects and cities
  10. 29

  11. EU ROADMAP 30 2020 ▸ Frequency attribution: decisions ▸ First

    5G services in ~ 1 city / EU country 2025 - 2030 ▸ 5G available in metropolitan areas and along major transport axes