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Domino's Windows Phone 7 - UX design

Domino's Windows Phone 7 - UX design

Presented by Alex Vitty at Open MIC 13 (Brighton).


July 05, 2012

Other Decks in Technology


  1. The Brief What Domino’s wanted Develop a Windows Phone 7

    app based on the website and iPad app…
  2. The Catch You need it when?! … it needs to

    be live in 8 weeks time. Right.
  3. Our Approach What we usually do !"#$%&"'"()*+ ,-&.*/-0 1&-2"3)+ %(%)%4)%-(

    56+7"*%8(+9+ )"*)%(8 :)4)"'"()+-;+ ,-&. !"*"4&3/+9+ <(4=>*%* :0"3%?34)%-(* @%*$4=+7"*%8(+ 9+3-0> :0&%()+ 0=4((%(8 A"*%8( 1&-7$3)%-( :0&%()+&"B%"C+ 9+7"'- !"B%"C+D43.=-8+ ;-&+("E)+*0&%() A"B F< !"="4*"
  4. Our Approach How we streamlined it !"#$%&"'"()*+ ,-&.*/-0 1&-2"3)+ %(%)%4)%-(

    56+7"*%8(+9+ )"*)%(8 !"*"4&3/+9+ :(4;<*%* =%*$4;+7"*%8(+ 9+3-0< >0&%()+ 0;4((%(8 ?"*%8( 1&-7$3)%-( >0&%()+&"@%"A+ 9+7"'- !"@%"A+B43.;-8+ C-&+("D)+*0&%() ?"@ E: !";"4*" >)4)"'"()+-C+ ,-&.
  5. Research & Analysis What we did ü  Analysed Other Domino’s

    apps (iPad, iPhone, Android) ü  Identified Audience – mainly Social Snackers and Family Feasters ü  Reviewed Competitors ü  Identified key user & business needs
  6. Key needs… … and how to satisfy them “I am

    hungry!” Let me order what I want as quickly as possible Users Sell more volume Promote more items in the basket (meal deals) Business
  7. As a user, I can… Release 1 stories … find

    my local store … see my store’s menu … view my store details (contact, opening hours etc) …can add any item in any size to my basket … order a meal deal … customise my pizza …can pay for my order …can get my order delivered or pick it up … get a confirmation of my order View store menu & details Order Checkout
  8. … take up an offer … sign into my account

    … register for an account … order a half and half pizza … edit my account details … see the status of my order … amend my pizza from the basket … donate to the pennies charity As a user, I can… Release 2 stories My Domino’s account
  9. Principles That guided our UX decisions ü  Ensure consistency with

    the other Domino’s platforms ü  Standardise & simplify the journeys ü  Use the standard Windows “Metro” UI Why? •  To reduce the cognitive load for the users. •  To make it easier to build and maintain
  10. App map Navigational structure !"#$% &'($$)% *+,- !"#$% &'($$)% *./0-

    122%!34%*25)"(5#5- 6$57% 8$57&% #$)3 6$57% 8$57% 8$95:7& ;:<<5% #$)3 ;:<<5% 8$95:7& =>$'?"39 @:8$&% #$)3 A(:)?&% #$)3 A$&&$(9&% #$)3 @:<$ =(3&9 %@53'$ %=>$$&$ %6$59B% C:&>%D% E$F
  11. Wireframes App hub (Panorama) Hello Pizza Lover Two for Tuesday

    Buy One Get One Free (Large/ Medium Pizzas Only) D om ino's logo Pizza Sides Desserts Drinks Meal deals London - Edgware Opening hours Mondays 11:00 - 23:30 Tuedays 11:00 - 23:30 Wednesdays 11:00 - 23:00 Thursdays 11:00 - 23:30 Sundays 11:00 - 23:00 Fridays 11:00 - 00:30 Saturdays 11:00 - 00:30 change store Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore . Delivering to: 10 Lyndhurst Ave, London, NW7 2AT Change delivery address Menu Meal deals Your store 7/8 Boot Parade, HA8 7HE Tel: 0208 905 7577 Log in or register 555 Deal Buy 3 small pizzas for just £5.55 each (Includes 'Create Your Own' up to 4 toppings) Manager's Special Small Any small Classic Pizza and Chicken Stripper Combo (Strippers and Wedges) and 1.25Ltr drink £15.99 more meal deals...
  12. Wireframes Pivots Firenze £16.99 (large 13.5") Ventricina Salami, Pepperoni and

    Peruvian Roquito Peppers on a fresh thin crust base. H Florentine £16.99 (large 13.5") Baby Spinach, SunBlush Baby Plum Tomatoes and Greek Feta Cheese on a fresh thin crust base. Quattro Formaggio £16.99 (large 13.5") Mozzarella, Greek feta cheese, Bavarian Blue and Gran Moravia cheeses V Rustica £16.99 (large 13.5") Chicken breast strips, naturally smoked bacon rashers, baby spinach and SunBlush baby plum tomatoes on a fresh thin crust base Choose your pizza £15.99 1 + - Pizza Firenze Size Large Crust Classic Topping No changes Your pizza topping Pepperoni Chorizo Roast Chicken Sausage Ground Beef Smoky Bacon Ham Steak Slices 1 Meatballs Tandoori Chicken Anchovies 2 Pineapple Domino's herbs Garlic butter You have 3 changes remaining reset toppings Choose your toppings save sauce chee
  13. And... How did it go down? Smooth  and   well

     made   AWESOME!   Easy,  quick  and  simple.  Just  what   you  need  for  ordering  pizza.   Brilliant  and  fast   love  it!!!   Pizza  from  my  phone  J   Better  than  the   website,  navigation   is  so  so  easy...  GET  IT   Too  handy!   Works  -­‐  interface  is  fantastically   simple  to  use  and  navigate.  Visually   stunning  
  14. If we did it again… … what we learned ü 

    Use the simplified and standardised navigational structure and screen layouts ü  Use a similar visual design style ✗  Try to launch offers, pizza tracker and half & half in the first release