Presentation extrinsic drivers of individual foraging consistency at the International Seabird Group Conference, Edinburgh, September 2016. Here we show that predictability may favour consistent behaviour by foraging seabirds
• Population dynamics • Potential for evolution • Marine management ` Ed Schneider The Telegraph Liam Quinn Anders Lundberg Antarctic connection Joachim S Muller Robert OToole @AliceTrevail
• Ecological processes • Population dynamics • Potential for evolution • Marine management ` Ed Schneider The Telegraph Liam Quinn Anders Lundberg Antarctic connection Joachim S Muller Robert OToole Intrinsic e.g. hereditary @AliceTrevail
Individual behaviour Individual consistency Residual Individual variability Within-trip consistency @AliceTrevail • Variance in linear mixed effects model explained by bird and trip as random effects
@AliceTrevail Resource selection: Population Predictable = Skomer Island Available Used Density Unpredictable = Puffin Island Available Used 0.00 0.01 0.02 Depth (m)
dynamic features Predictable resources may favour consistency • Reduce competition at hotspots • Predictability -> increased opportunity to specialise • Individual learning Resource selection stronger in unpredictable environment Less variation in individual behaviour ? Individuals differ in resource selection strength Need more data to explore different environments @AliceTrevail Discussion