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Digital Literacy

December 14, 2015

Digital Literacy

Session from 14th December 2015

Thanks to James Kent and Richard George for some of this content


December 14, 2015

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  1. Digital Literacy Session • Digital and collaborative tools • Resource

    opportunities for safe and secure use of technology • Hwb+ • Software and suggested uses • Practical advice
  2. What the specification says To develop DIGITAL LITERACY skills learners

    should:- • Understand and respond appropriately to risks and problems in order to communicate safely in a digital world • Use social media safely and effectively • Understand and manage own digital footprint • Use, manipulate or create data and information and present it digitally for different audiences • Be able to find, organise, store, manage, share and protect digital information • Evaluate the reliability of sources of information • Use digital techniques and methods for a range of activities including: collaboration, team working, creativity, problem solving and learning
  3. Progression KS4 • Using digital techniques to present tables, graphs

    and diagrams • Assessment of the credibility of information and sources – currency, reliability and validity • Store data in appropriate format Advanced • Find, organise, store, manage, share and protect digital information • Analyse the credibility of information and sources – currency, comprehensiveness, validity, reliability, bias • Present information and numerical data in tables, graphs and diagrams • Using, manipulating or creating numerical data and information and presenting for different audiences • Use of digital techniques and methods for a range of activities including: collaboration, team working, creativity, problem solving and learning
  4. Understand and respond appropriately to risks and problems in order

    to communicate safely in a digital world • Know the risks associated with online communication e.g. Social Media. • Understand the legalities associated with copyright/intellectual property etc. • http://tinyurl.com/copyrightjisc
  5. Use, manipulate or create data and information and present it

    digitally for different audiences • Use and manipulate:- Effective use of Spreadsheets, appropriate selection of graphs/tables for purpose – Numerical data can be incorporated into main body of text – As a table – To construct a graph • When to use a table – Show how a category of information varies when measured at different points – Dataset contains relatively few numbers – When precise value is crucial and a graph would not convey the same level of precision
  6. Spreadsheet Tools & Techniques - not prescriptive / exhaustive KS4

    • Formulae • Functions – Sum – Average – Min – Max – Date – etc. • Formatting tools • Charts & Graphs (accurate, sensible) Advanced • Complex Functions? – If – Nested if – lookup etc. • Data Handling Techniques – Filter – Sort etc. • Efficiencies / automation? – pivot table – subtotals – scenarios – macros etc.
  7. Task Create a spreadsheet for Vacation Consortium - Surf Studies

    GCSE Results 1. Function to calculate Sunvil %A*-C 2. Fill down for all LA's 3. Function to calculate the total number of entries 4. Fill across to find the total A*-C 5. Fill Down to calculate %A*-C for Coastal. 6. Create a Column (Vertical Bar) Chart to show number achieving A*-C by LA 7. Accurate title and axis labels and legend 8. Conditional Formatting 9. If Statement?
  8. Use, manipulate or create data and information and present it

    digitally for different audiences • Create data:- Online survey tools e.g. Survey Monkey/Google forms? http://www.surveymonkey.com (up to 100 surveys for free!) https://docs.google.com/forms/ (Google Account setup required *free*) • Present:- What is the most effective way to present data:- graphs/tables, multi-media presentation/video.
  9. Use, manipulate or create data and information and present it

    digitally for different audiences • Present:- What is the most effective way to present data:- graphs/tables, multi-media presentation/video. – Graphs/tables must be meaningful and helpful as discussed – Software for presenting: – Office 365 (local PowerPoint or web app) – Prezi – Speaker Deck (upload PowerPoint presentations) – can then be shared easily – options to embed
  10. • Find:- Can files be easily retrieved? • Organise:- Having

    an effective folder structure, naming convention for files etc. • Store:- How/where best to store information e.g. network drive, One Drive or Google Drive – What should be stored and where? • Manage:- Are folders regularly managed/maintained? • Share:- How can work be shared? Collaboratively online (e.g. Google Docs or Office 365), or attach files to email? • Web 2.0:- http://bit.ly/dlpadlet (how could we use this?) • Protect:-Managing passwords and files, the dreaded lost USB! Be able to find, organise, store, manage, share and protect digital information
  11. Searching for Information • Encyclopedia Britannica:- Reliable source - online

    encyclopedia, copyright free images, • Searchable by level (differentiation), audio support available. Log-in to Hwb and then click on the Encyclopedia Britannica logo, search by level
  12. Search for information on one of the following topics:- •

    Cultural diversity • Fair Trade • Future energy • Inequality • Living sustainably • Natural and human disasters • Nutrition • Poverty Task: Searching for Information
  13. Task: An Effective Google Search Click on the search tools

    bar and refine your search by location, times and result type! When you put a word or phrase in quotes, the results will only contain pages with the same words in the same order as the ones inside the quotes!
  14. Task: Google search operators to sharpen your research… • https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?hl=en

    Complete a Google search to find an article concerning the benefits of fair trade in Ghana, written in the last year, applying at least 2 key search operators.
  15. Domain What do I need to consider? .edu/.ac.uk This has

    been written by an education establishment e.g. College/University .org A not for profit organisation – Could they have an agenda? .com/.net/.co.uk Can be purchased by an individual or company? What’s their agenda? .gov Information published by the government .mil Published by a military organisation. How might this influence their viewpoint? Checklist • Date:- Is the research/information up to date/recently published? • Sources:- Has the author researched the topic and quoted sources? • Domain:- Evaluate the reliability of sources of information
  16. Common problems: • Unreliable sources - inaccurate submissions • Duplicate

    work • Plagiarism • Out of date • Wikipedia! Evaluate the reliability of sources of information
  17. CAPOW! • Currency (information old or new) • Authority (who

    created the information, are they experts?) • Purpose (trying to convince you or sell something?) • Objectivity (gives all sides of an issue or just one side?) • Writing Style (website easy to navigate?) http://bit.ly/webavaltips CAPOW Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVjvMMgpx38 Evaluate the reliability of sources of information
  18. • When was it last updated, does it add up?

    Currency - Bad No date anywhere!
  19. • Is the main focus of this site to provide

    quality news? Authority - Bad
  20. • Is the website trying to: – CONVINCE you of

    something? – SELL you something If the answer is YES then the site is biased. Bias does not mean a student can’t use the information but it needs to be verified. Purpose
  21. • Are they telling you all sides of the story?

    • The information they give is true but it’s not all of the information Objectivity
  22. • Search bar • Date is easy to find •

    Mobile version • Easy to navigate toolbar • Easily shared/saved/printed • Uncluttered Writing style
  23. Use digital techniques and methods for a range of activities

    including: collaboration, team working, creativity, problem solving and learning • Collaboration and team-working:- Sharing work and editing/creating in the same ‘space’ e.g. using MS365, Google Docs or free Web 2.0 technologies e.g. padlet. • Creativity e.g. imovie/Moviemaker (adverts, innovative pitches) QR codes, Aurasma (augmented reality), Garageband (jingles). • Problem solving and learning:- Effectively searching for the correct information e.g. effective web-browsing, selecting the correct technology to solve the problem e.g. designing an App in Pop.
  24. How to create and share a document in Microsoft 365

    • Log into Hwb or Office 365 • Create a Word document Click to select the app you wish to use
  25. Now share… 1) Click on share 2) Select names of

    people you wish to share with 3) Select whether you wish for them to view or edit the file 4) Write a personal message
  26. Where will this be useful? • Collaborative minute writing? (E

    and E) • Collaborating on the development of a budget (E and E) • Collaborative development of presentations for pitch? (E and E) • Sharing and assembling materials for visual display? (E and E) • Individual project, completing work in school and outside lessons (post-16) • Teacher sharing electronic resources with learners (E and E)
  27. Converting sound and video files... This videos explains how to

    convert sound files using www.zamzar.com, a free file conversion service for files up to 100MB in size. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ9nqJYsV2A Free screen recording to justify why they have used certain techniques/approaches in displaying information etc... https://screencast-o-matic.com/home
  28. Project Management Software Features https://creately.com/ • Task • Phase •

    Start date • Duration • Completion date Project management – check, measure, monitor, review progress, adapt to change, manage risks, use of project management software, Gantt charts
  29. Supported file types: Xerte File type Xerte Submission (e-portfolio) Documents

    PDF only Photographs JPG, GIF and PNG Video MP4 Audio MP3 Please note the maximum file upload size is 100 MB
  30. For the Welsh Bacc… Google App Use in the Welsh

    Bacc Google Docs Collaborative minute writing, collaborative planning Google Forms Creating and sharing questionnaires/surveys Google Sheets To collate the results of questionnaires Google Slides To create collaborative presentations
  31. Useful web-applications:- Web tool/address What is it for? Application to

    Welsh Bacc Pixton:- www.Pixton.com Go animate:-www.goanimate.com Powtoon:- www.powtoon.com Creating comic strips and animated cartoons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDWNja dafMs Use in generating promotional material for Enterprise POP:- https://popapp.in/ Creating a prototype for an app from initial sketches KS4 or Post-16 E and E Padlet:- www.padlet.com Create an online space for sharing ideas/post-its Generating and sharing ideas (E and E Bit.ly/tinyurl www.bitly.com, www.tinyurl.com Shortening web addresses Easier for referencing and navigation of web- pages Zamzar:- www.zamzar.com Converts files from one format to another PDR (KS4), Destination Passport (Post-16 National) Creative Commons Search:- http://search.creativecommons.org Finding 'creative commons' material, for use in work All components where copyright material is required Audioexpert:- www.audioexpert.com Online audio file editor and converter Any audio evidence produced to support challenges Survey Monkey:- www.surveymonkey.com Creating and distributing surveys Generate primary data for Individual Project http://www.qr-code-generator.com Create QR codes to link to digital content Brings visual display to life
  32. Useful Apps:- (for students) Apps What does it do? Application

    for Welsh Bacc One Drive:- Unlimited online storage for files. Should be linked to Hwb account. Pupils can save work from devices onto Drive for transfer in school Office suite:- Office tools in the browser Pupils can create and edit documents on their own devices POP App:- Creates a 'wire-frame' for Apps E and E if students decide to develop an App prototype iMovie:- Edits video footage Wherever video evidence is required! Popplet:- Brainstorming/mind-mapping tool Generating ideas (E andE), capturing views/opinions (Global) Explain Everything Interactive whiteboard on tablet/mobile device Allows learners to reflect on/evaluate outcomes QR Creator Links the QR code to website, photograph or document Creating an interactive visual display Pic-collage Creates a collage from a range of photographs Gathering evidence for Community Challenge
  33. App What does it do? Application for Welsh Bacc Aurasma

    Creates a virtual reality video! Interactive display for E and E Voice Recorder Allows learners to capture their ideas/evaluations Any evaluative work/reflction Camera! Takes photographs/video To create and photographic or video evidence Students should be encourage to App-Smash (use several apps in combination) e.g. capture video/photographs on the camera, then edit them in iMovie.
  34. Where is Digital Literacy Assessed? KS4 National and Post-16 Advanced:-

    Enterprise and Employability and Individual Project
  35. KS4 Individual Project • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?

    How can primary data be collected effectively using digital technologies? How can we be sure secondary evidence is valid/reliable?
  36. Has information been displayed in the correct format in Excel?

    Can learners demonstrate how they have manipulated data using standard formulae/conditional formatting etc.? KS4 Individual Project • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?
  37. KS4 Enterprise and Employability • Where will Digital Literacy be

    assessed? Digital audit of skills, before and after? Presentation of visual display
  38. Post-16 Individual Project Use of complex skills e.g. in Excel

    • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?
  39. How will/can learners use Social media in the context of

    the Individual project? Contacting experts? Requesting links to important research? Gauging views and opinions? Posting links to surveys? Post-16 Individual Project • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?
  40. Post-16 Advanced – Enterprise and Employability Effective online research, assessing

    reliability/validity • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?
  41. Post-16 Advanced – Enterprise and Employability Effective use of spreadsheets

    to collate and display data • Where will Digital Literacy be assessed?