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Additive Manufacturing for Space Application - ...

Additive Manufacturing for Space Application - Franck Mouriaux, Ruag Space

Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have progressed rapidly in the last years. Supported by the recent developments of design optimisation tools and manufacturing capabilities, components and parts produced using AM are emerging more and more into the focus of space industry. The aim of this presentation is to show why AM can be seen a promising manufacturing technique for space industry and in particular for satellite application? Opportunities and challenges that have to be faced to make 3D printed components “flying” on spacecraft are presented and discussed. The re-engineering and qualification approach of the already existing Antenna Support Bracket, that is part of the Sentinel-1 spacecraft, is discussed as a case study to bring this topic into the more tangible context of an industrial project.

Altair Technology Conference

October 01, 2015

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  1. Motivations, Opportunities and Challenges of Additive Manufacturing for Space Application

    Franck Mouriaux General Manager Structures RUAG Schweiz AG RUAG Space Paris, October 1st 2015
  2. manf’ flexibility for free design complexity for free design MASS

    reduction lead TIME reduction function integration 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 2 Why AM? FREEDOM
  3. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 6 Original Design 1.6kg 88.7Hz 163MPa 2

    First Optimisation Loop 1.2kg 88.7Hz 1 SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  4. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 7 Original design enveloppe Original interfaces Original

    loading Original electrical grounding SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  5. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 8 SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket Original design

    enveloppe Original interfaces Original loading Original electrical grounding ?
  6. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 9 SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket What do

    I want? Design objective What can I change? Design parameters What targets must be met? Design constraints + + Size Topology Shape optimization of material layout optimization of element properties optimization of part shape
  7. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 14 Printed on an EOS M400 from

    the company CITIM. Material: AlSi10Mg (AA357-AA359 casting alloy) SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  8. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 15 Qualification Flight  Geometrical verification 

    Modal verification  Quasi-static load test  Sine vibration tests (3-dir.)  Random vibration tests (3-dir.)  Vibration Test  Geometrical verification  Modal verification  Quasi-static load test SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  9. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 16 CMM Computer Tomography (CT Scan) CT

    Scan Eddy Current SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  10. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 17 In-plane (XZ) low level sine sweep

    to verify the frequency requirement. Frequency search spectrum Frequency [Hz] Amplitude [g] Speed [oct/min] direction 5 to 2000 0.2 2 One sweep up TEST RESULTS Predicted Measured 1st Eigen frequency (X) 90.0 Hz 91.4 Hz 2nd Eigen frequency (Z) 106.9 Hz 109.0 Hz -X Z X-response SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  11. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 18 SG09: 246 Strength verification under static,

    sine and random loading. SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket SG08: 282
  12. 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 20 Topology Optimisation Design / Optimisation Manufacturing

    Verification / Testing  Functional analysis  Topology optimisation  CAD Interpretation  Size/Shape Optimisation  Detail Stressing  Optimisation  Post-Processing  Samples Definition  Process Control  Quality Control  Test Definition  Qualification Testing  Model Correlation CAD Interpretation Manufacturing Verification Testing SENTINEL-1 Antenna Support Bracket
  13. Main Challenges… of the technology by customers and authorities and

    control of the materials and processes of additive manufacturing technologies of new engineering thinking of new design tools
  14. Thank you for your attention! 07.10.2015 │RUAG Space│ 22 Franck

    Mouriaux General Manager Structures RUAG Schweiz AG RUAG Space Schaffhauserstrasse 580 8052 Zürich · Switzerland Tel. +41 44 306 21 37 Fax. +41 44 306 27 50 Mobile: +41 78 709 56 71 franck.mouriaux@ruag.com http://www.ruag.com