In the seventies crash simulations in automotive, helicopter & plane industries were done at the concept phase with implicit nonlinear code using beam and spring models. At the same time high speed impacts were solved with finite difference codes with explicit time integration. In the eighties it took several years for the automotive engineers to validate and accept explicit codes to solve car crashes. This was made possible thanks to the power of CRAY vector computers. In the nineties crash became a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) driven design process in the automotive industry. Simulation driven design process allows design engineers to test many alternatives at a fraction of prototype test cost. Today explicit code is standard for crash simulation and this paper describes the past evolution of the method in the RADIOSS code. In the nineties RADIOSS was successfully applied to stamping and manufacturing processes, implicit time integration was introduced to speed-up quasi static analysis and to performed elastic return or gravity setting using the same code. From the beginning an Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) integration scheme was built in RADIOSS allowing to solve several Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems. RADIOSS is today a general purpose non-linear finite element code with several applications in automotive, aerospace, defense, nuclear, civil engineering and consumer goods industries.