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Working Compassionately with Legacy Code, RubyConf 2015

Amar Shah
November 16, 2015

Working Compassionately with Legacy Code, RubyConf 2015

Your code is your partner. It struggles against you, but also alongside you. Your code comes to you as it is, not as you wish it were. Like a real-life partner, it has a history that you’ll never fully know; like a real-life child, it bears your imprint, but it is wild, unruly, and fiercely self-sovereign. You’ll never stop working with code that’s hard to figure out or difficult to change. But this code, this stubborn creature, is entrusted to you. Let go of your anger at the developer who wrote it. Let go of the terror of being blamed for its unforeseeable regressions. Let go--and find joy.

Amar Shah

November 16, 2015

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